HomeNational Animal NewsRescue 'Won't Give Up' With Efforts To Save Severely Abused Cat

Rescue ‘Won’t Give Up’ With Efforts To Save Severely Abused Cat

Fresno, CA – A Califiornia rescue agency is doing everything in its power to save a cat who has been severely abused. According to the Kirkland Foundation, the gray and white cat has horrible injuries and he was likely tortured.

In a Facebook post made three days ago, the animal welfare agency vowed to do its utmost to save his life, writing:

To the broken, jaundiced cat we pulled from a squalid North Fresno patio earlier today, you may not survive the night, but please know that we’re doing everything we can to help you live. Within minutes of our hearing of your horrific abuse, you were getting the same treatment that our own favorites enjoy, and now you’re in your own clean, comfy kennel with considerable financial and emotional resources dedicated to your well-being.

Though the details are vague, the cat was apparently beaten and hosed down by a depraved individual who did so in front of a child; the group intends to pursue this person after the cat’s veterinary needs are addressed. The group writes:

To the depraved soul that tortured our new best friend with beatings and hose downs and left him to die covered by maggots, please know that once we’ve exhausted our efforts on behalf of our little friend, our attention will turn to you.

A day ago, a promising update was made to the organization’s Facebook followers:

He’s a long way from awesome, but after a day and a half of nonstop treatment, he’s up and alert. Full recovery is a longshot, but he’ll be back at the vet in the morning to see if they can fix his smashed hips and get him back on track to walk, pee and poop on his own. Thank you everyone for your positive thoughts and support!

Recovering from extreme injuries will be hard, but this cat has good people on his side. You can follow the agency here.

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  1. I dont even know what to say? Tears are running down my face..I hate this to a point of anguish snd despair I cannot articulate.Im so,so sorry for this kitty… I recognize people that do ” such” most likely have experienced something beyond their limits.Most of my adult life I have spent helping animals. But no matter,seeing this stuff is devastating personally..Because I live in a world where injustice is rampant,I seek to come to terms spirtually or I myself will die from observance.

  2. I feel so sorry for animals that suffer from human abuse. WE are supposed to be at the top of the animal species ???? but sometimes I wonder. We are like parents and should take care of animals that are suffering. They can’t tell us…….but we should know that they need help. This cat is an example of both kinds of humans…….those that abuse and those that care. I read on another post that this little one did not survive. I am not an abusive person but I would like to get my hands on the human??that did this. I would like him to be on the other end of the stick. God Bless this poor baby. Jean.

  3. Wow, what a heartbreaking story and I’m angry as hell too. People that abuse animals or children for that matter, should be eliminated…removed from the earth. They have no value, can’t be redeemed and certainly can’t be trusted ever again around innocent creatures. But, our society doesn’t allow for such punishment…too bad. Let’s at least pray for a length prison term, repayment of all medical costs for the cat and for them to be banned from ever owning another animal. I would also love to see a nationwide animal abuse registry set up so rescues and shelters know not to adopt to animals to that person int the future. And employers know not to hire them. Thank god the cat was rescued and will at least feel what it’s like to be loved and cared for and hopefully will survive the terror he or she was put through.


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