HomeAnimal RescueRescue Takes In Badly Burned Puppy, Abandoned In Miami

Rescue Takes In Badly Burned Puppy, Abandoned In Miami

Miami, FL – An animal rescue group in Florida is doing its utmost to save the life of a four-week-old puppy who was abandoned in Miami. According to Mutty Paws Rescue, the pup has severe burns over much of his body.

On Friday, the animal welfare organization said:

This little 3 lb boy was found in Miami by warehouses and brought to MDAS as #a2340462 HE IS IN CRITICAL CONDITION & we are fighting for his life. He is 4 weeks old and his 4 weeks of life have been hell!

Describing with dismay, the pup’s critical condition:

His breathing is labored, his skin is sloughing off of him. SOMEONE TORTURED HIM. How anyone could do this to any animal, let alone a 3 lb baby is incomprehensible.

The puppy, dubbed Dade, received a blood transfusion and has survived with round-the-clock care. The most recent update from the rescue group states:

Dade update: he has survived another night after receiving an emergency blood transfusion late yesterday afternoon. His PCV went up to 27% from 13% following the transfusion and that will be repeated again shortly to make sure it’s holding. He is still considered critical condition and is not out of the woods by a long shot. He is still eating and drinking and receiving wound care multiple times a day as well as pain management. Yesterday’s emergency transfusion cost was an additional $1076.35

You can receive updates about Dade at this link to the rescue group’s Facebook page.

Continue reading: Shelter Staff Falls In Love With Sweet, Bonded Friends Taken In As Strays

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  1. OMG, this is absolutely sickening….I pray to our dear God to save this poor little innocent puppy….And please authorities find the sadistic evil psychopath who did this!! That demonic monster deserves to be tortured to death!!!

  2. Never fails to sicken me that we supposedly the highest form of life can display such utter disregard for other forms of life and obviously in cases like this take great pleasure in doing it. Thank God there are a lot more of us who display the more compassionate side of humanity and try to offset and compensate for the aberrations of these assholes who represent the worst of humanity. I pray that this little dog survives and finds one of us good guys to give him a loving home and that Karma finds whoever did this and roasts them in hell.

  3. These cretins who did this are certainly not human and deserve to be treated like the garbage that they are. I hope one and all burn to death to see how it feels.

  4. I curse the human filth that did this despicable vile thing to a sweet innocent little puppy. May the Karma train hit them at full speed, and may I be the train driver. I pray the filth responsible are found and the most sadistic revenge is exacted – nice and slow.

  5. I am a Floridian and a rescuer. Miami area, Redlands and Hialeah is like a third world country. People dump animals there like trash.

  6. Every day I ask what is wrong with people and get no answer. It is beyond me how they can cause so much suffering and death to animals who just want good homes and love and would give then love so readily. I too hope bad things for this person/people. Shoot them in the kneecaps and drop them in a desert.

  7. What can anyone even say about this that would suffice? I hope and pray that vigilantes find and give whoever did this full blown justice.

  8. You can watch the show about the vigilantes that go out and take revenge for the animals they have a show I think it’s on discovery maybe and it’s hard to find it’s called don’t mess with cats or something like that and they go after people that torture animals and they literally go after them to kill them.



  10. There’s a group of vigilantes out there that do go after people that torture animals like that and hopefully they see this because they watch this website and the last guy that they went after he died and they can’t find these people either.🙏✝️💜

  11. This broke my heart. How could anyone do this to a baby?? There is an evil, vile monster out there who needs to be found and have the same thing done to him. See how he likes it. Poor precious baby, I pray for his recovery.

  12. His little face, heartbreaking. A tiny baby only 4 weeks old, and already in his 4 short weeks of life he’s experienced cruelty and suffering. If I live to be 100 years old I will never understand this kind of cruelty! Absolutely appalling if someone has done this on purpose.

  13. Wtf is wrong with people today this is pure evil im a firm believer in karma everything that can go wrong in life i wsh upon the people who abuse animal’s

      • I totally agree with you catch the psychopathic lowlife human monsters and burn the psycho lowlife monsters to death. Make sure these psycho vile and evil lowlife monsters die an excruciating agonising death. Eradication from our Planet is a must of all the psychopathic lowlife vile and evil human monsters immediately.
        Kill everyone of these lowlife physchopathic monster bastards.


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