HomeFeaturedRescue Staff Finds Two Crated Cats With Note From Their Owner 'Mommy...

Rescue Staff Finds Two Crated Cats With Note From Their Owner ‘Mommy Can’t Take Care Of Me’

Two cats were left in a carrier outside a rescue facility in North Carolina with a note from their prior owner.

Asheville, NC – Days ago, staff at a North Carolina rescue agency discovered two cats in a carrier that was left outside their facility with a heartbreaking note from their prior owner. According to Brother Wolf Animal Rescue, the carrier was left in the shade of their play yard with a note explaining that their former owner was no longer able to care for them.

Cats left with note from prior owner
Cats left with note from prior owner

The shelter is hopeful that the person who left the cats will see that they are now safe and being cared for.

One of the cats left outside of a NC rescue agency

The animal welfare agency expressed concern for whoever left the cats:

To the person who left them… They are safe with us, and thank you for trusting us with your cats you so clearly loved; we understand you didn’t have another choice, and we hope you are ok.

You can find the rescue group on Facebook here.  If you are interested in learning more about the cats, please contact Brother Wolf Rescue directly.

Address: 31 Glendale Ave, Asheville, NC, United States, North Carolina

Phone: (828) 505-3440

Email: Friends@bwar.org

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  1. I am just glad the cats are ok and being taken care of. There are so many stories of people just dumping them in dumpsters or other horrible places. So I am glad this rescue is being kind to the person who dumped them. I’m sure she is heart broken to lose these beautiful cats. Stop bashing her. She did the right thing for the cats. Period.

  2. A lot of could haves and should haves here but the most important point is the lady was concerned enough for her cats to leave them where they would be found unlike some assholes who would just have abandoned the cats in the middle of nowhere where they would never be found. I agree with Carole stop bashing this woman and give her a little appreciation- we don’t know why she had to give the cats up or why she handled the situation the way she did but she obviously cared enough to make sure they would be found quickly. Must have broken her heart to do this so give her a fucking break.

  3. Something to think about since some are feeling nasty toward the woman. She might be running from an abusive relationship. She couldn’t take her cats to a shelter with her because most refuse to take in pets with the victims. If she left them where they were, the cats would be horribly tortured and then killed as punishment. This might have been her only option, it gave them a chance to live, more than they could have had. This is an everyday occurrence and one of the reasons that some women do not leave abusive situations. I do not know if that is the case here but this feels like the desperation of someone who wanted to care for her cats in any way that she could.

  4. Agree with @Christine posting above. All societies need to prioritize the survival, wellbeing, and comfort of living beings — of all species — above all else. That means funding shelters/humane societies/ACCs BEFORE funding anything else. Period. Spay/neuter needs to be universal and there needs to be no adoption without it. Humane education (teaching compassion, caring, personal responsibility, and adopting FAMILY MEMBERS for LIFE) needs to be universal, as well.

  5. enough with the bashing. There are plenty of animals dumped in the country or anywhere. She did a loving gesture!!! You have no idea what she is going through. You are not supposed to judge anyone. Esp without the facts. She could have done better~yes. But she did get them to safety. Shame for beating on her…she is broken hearted as is!

  6. I agree with Christine.
    How absolutely disgraceful, leaving 2 cats alone, terrified and probably hungry. Not bloody good enough I say. No excuse leaving helpless cats in carriers in a dark strange place. The terror they must have felt.

  7. This shelter needs to stop making excuses or being accepting of someone dumping cats on their doorstop. Dumping a cat in the middle of the night before the shelter opens is just dumb, insensitive to the cat’s feelings and dangerous and there’s no excuse for it. What if someone evil found the cats and harmed them, or stupidly let them out of the carriers thinking they were saving them and the cats ran off and got hit my a car or worse ended up starving to death? There’s no excuse for not coming in person and surrendering those cats during normal operating hours. If they felt shame or embarrassed…too bad that’s part of life suck it up, act like a adult and a responsible person. If they didn’t want to pay a intake fee, I say stop being so cheap and work it out with the shelter. Having pets cost money and when you dump them on someone else, that will cost money too. Shelters don’t operate on rainbows and people’s good wishes. Intake fees help to cover expenses. And there are other options too, better options like re-homing the cats with a friend, family member or even co-worker or neighbor. Someone you trust. Just because you take your cats to the shelter there’s no guarantee they will get adopted and most city or county run shelters will put animals to sleep if they can’t find them a home within a certain time frame. Those poor cats must have been so confused wondering why mommy left them alone at night in the cold without comfort.


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