HomeAnimal CrueltyRescue Issues Warning After Pet Cats Found Beheaded And Deliberately Killed

Rescue Issues Warning After Pet Cats Found Beheaded And Deliberately Killed

Bury, U.K. – Pet owners in Bury are being advised to keep their cats indoors following a series of disturbing, cruel acts of violence. As reported by BBC News, Oldham Cat Rescue reported the death of a rescue cat on March 21; the 13-year-old cat, Poppy, was beheaded.

And Kitty Rescue Bury said that a cat named Pickle, and another grey cat (owner unknown) were killed deliberately, in an “awful way.” The deaths have prompted the rescue agencies to encourage owners to keep their pets indoors.

The police and the RSPCA have been informed of the cruel deaths and there is an active investigation underway. In the meantime, pet owners are advised to remain vigilant to keep their cats safe from harm.

“If anyone has first-hand information about what happened we would urge them to call the RSPCA, in confidence, on 0300 123 8018.”

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  1. Cannot understand why cat owners let their cats out- there are so many normal hazards for cats , cars dogs etc but the worst are the sick assholes who target cats like this. Don’t know how punitive the British legal system is for animal cruelty but it has to be more rigid than the wussy, bleeding heart system we have here in Canada or the States for that matter. Street justice for these people is the only justice that has any teeth but we know that in our “ civilized” society that wont happen.

    • agreed 💯 percent, this individual is the actual devil 😈 the devil has no sadness to its eyes just a look of fear of whatever is going to be happening next that is why we are

      in need of the help from and by the
      police 🚓🚓🚓🚨🚨🚨 so they should be helpful not to come all the way here and to not get what they also are in need of whatever that may be he has no right to just simply be shooting and trying to murder and or kill or injure some of these individuals or an individual from the r babies animals fur babies need your help our help my help all 3 of us to all go back same time and help these fur babies it’s important to stay away from the devil as well because the devil thinks that it’s simply simple and super easy just pay for a Lyft ride simple

  2. evil soul less sub humans. Whoever you are you are a coward!!! When KARMA comes for you I’ll watch your world burn 🔥🔥🔥and I’ll SMILE ☺️

    • agreed anymore that murders fur babies and or humans are not human they are a true psychopath means that they don’t even care have no empathy never have had it the empathy sadness & so much more this that i am reading about its very disturbing, distracting and more is to make sure that this individual gets serious help so that’s what they need is that they need serious help!! !!! first be put in a mental health hospital 🏥 then they can go right to prison where they should be & where they need to seriously be right now. that’s all for now.

  3. The death penalty has got to reinstated, and implemented against most criminals, and definitely against scum who commit crimes against animals

    • couldnt agree more, they must start getting proper sentences. id give 10 years hard labour 1st offence then 20 for 2nd, 3rd offence is execution with no appeal permitted. for the fake mental health screechers(i say fake as ive met lots of mentally ill folk of all kinds, including dangerous psychotics none of who have animal torture under their belt. theres a big difference between being mentally ill and being evil and we cannot go on pretending there isnt) law has an obligation to the innocent first and foremost and its time this was adhered to and this pandering to unspeakable scum stopped. animal torturers are no loss to society and we all know they graduate onto people, so put the fear of god into them and if that doest work, remove them altogether. its what the rest of society deserve; we work bloody hard and obey all the rules and we are expected to put up with our pets being crucified then our kids? screw that!

    • I agree 💯 percent a life for a life not something I would ever usually say but acts of crime against fur babies now??? it’s unacceptable behavior these individuals or the individual needs to be put in prison for the rest of his miserable horrible life what did the fur babies ever do to deserve to be murdered??? all fur babies ever do in the world 🌍 is and are meant to be able to love 💕🥰💕🥰 and cherish their owners so their mommy and daddy or both mommies I have Lily she’s going to be 7 years old on 6/1/24 she was a rescue fur baby kitty 😻 will always be & will forever be a part of both myself and my mom & anyone else’s kitty 😻 cat. &&.. this that is happening to our fur babies needs to end our fur babies need to be protected 24/7 time: 6:2525

  4. there are truly some sick bastards in this world. doesn’t matter where you live their abnormal brains all think the same. they should all be captured put on a secluded island and left there to rot.

  5. Abnormal acts of cruelty that needs to be addressed; it’s not normal behavior to inflict pain and death on others. It seems to be done by an individuals with a mental illness/ or is criminally insane Lock them up and throw away the key to their cell door. Not possible to help individuals who act violently on animals or people. I blame the parents too.

    • i 💯 percent agree with that comment I love 💕💕 fur babies and I do mean all fur babies bunnies, puppies, dogs, kittens, cats etc keep all your fur babies inside ❤️❤️❤️ and I know what I am going to be doing keeping my fur baby inside at all times from here on the date is
      4/18/24 time: 6:06 am


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