HomeAnimal RescueRescue Group Takes In Severely Malnourished Bear Cub

Rescue Group Takes In Severely Malnourished Bear Cub

Townsend, TN – A starved bear cub is being provided with lifesaving care thanks to a non-profit bear rescue. The Appalachian Bear Rescue is caring for a 14-month-old bear cub dubbed Honey Bunny; the cub was found by a resident’s dog who discovered her in a shed.

According to the rescue agency, the cub weighs just 9.4 pounds – five times less than she should weigh at her age. The organization said:

HoneyBunny had a good night in The Cub House and ate her first small meal, probably the best food she’s had in some time. As we would expect, she’s exhausted and slept for most of the day. The curators are feeding her small amounts of food they will increase slowly over the next few days so as not to overload her system. Apart from severe and prolonged malnutrition, the vets didn’t find anything else wrong with her.

Because of the cub’s prolonged starvation, her prognosis is guarded. But the group is doing its utmost to help her recover.

Last week, a cub named Sparky Bear was humanely euthanized after veterinarians discovered that he had problems with his bones and joints that would never be remedied. The cub was also severely malnourished and weighed 9.4 lbs, like Hunny Bunny.

You can follow the organization’s work at this link to Facebook.

(Screenshots via Facebook/Appalachian Bear Rescue)

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  1. Wonder how this little cub ended up like this to begin with.Mother was probably shot by asshole hunters. Thankfully the dog found her in time and hopefully she will recover with time.


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