HomeAnimal CrueltyRescue Agency Fights To Save Starved, Abandoned Dog Whose Tongue Was Removed

Rescue Agency Fights To Save Starved, Abandoned Dog Whose Tongue Was Removed

Houston, TX – A Texas rescue group is fighting to save the life of a dog who has suffered unimaginable cruelty. The dog, dubbed Valentino, was abandoned and he is skeletal because he cannot eat…because someone cut his tongue out.

This week, Make a Stand Bully Rescue said:

Our new guy is incredibly emaciated. So much so that he can barely stand or lift up his head, although he so desperately wants to. The veterinarian who worked his case today contacted out to a specialist at Gulf Coast, who has experience with dogs who have had their tongues partially or fully removed, often as a course of treatment for various oral cancers. In the good, ideal cases, a dog re-learns how to eat and drink water. But in a bad case, the prognosis can turn poor, very quickly.
This kiddo has *no* remnants of a tongue, at all. But it is deemed an old injury that has “healed” (meaning, it’s not a new wound or something that needs to be treated). It’s just gone. But the next – and possibly more alarming and heart & gut wrenching part – is whether he was intentionally starved… or was just unable to learn how to eat after this cruel torture he endured. If it’s the latter, his longterm prognosis isn’t good.

Describing the reason they have chosen to persevere and give this dog a chance.

The thing is? This dog WANTS to eat. He WANTS to live. He WANTS to stand and wag his tail. He WANTS to be loved. He is not giving up.

Valentino has a feeding tube and his team is hopeful that he will regain his strength. The group said:

So long as Valentino tells us he wants to continue, we will be right there cheering him on. 🩷

You can follow Valentino’s journey at this link to the group’s Facebook page. Options to donate for his care are provided on the organization’s page.


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    This poor dog deserves justice and the monsters who tortured him deserve the DEATH PENALTY!!!!

  2. That poor baby. This is just SICK. I can’t take it anymore. The Shelters are plugged up.. People are Breeding more dogs. Honestly, they need to STOP THE BREEDING AND HAVE THEM ALL SPAYED AND NEUTERED NOW ! OUTLAW BREEDING COMPLETELY and START CHARGING ANYONE THAT BREEDS DOGS AND CATS AND FINE THEM A $100,000 PER LITTER.

  3. The fact that the evil freaks that did this to him could still out there breathing is really chilling. Any missing babies, toddlers, small children in the area? They need to put those demons away for life at the very least; but they won’t. They will get light treatment due to the “only an animal” derangement that afflicts the profoundly, willfully stupid “human” race. Beautiful Valentino is in Heaven forever now if there is any justice out there.

  4. There is no corner in hell dark and painful enough for these lowlife scumbags. They need the same thing done to them and after it is removed ram it down their throats so they can’t take another worthless breath.


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