HomeCatsProfessional Footballer, Kurt Zouma, Facing Three Cruelty Charges For Slapping And Kicking...

Professional Footballer, Kurt Zouma, Facing Three Cruelty Charges For Slapping And Kicking Pet Cat

Professional footballer, Kurt Zouma, is facing three offenses under the Animal Welfare Act, for slapping and kicking his cat. Video footage of the incident was posted to Snapchat and it shows the 27-year-old West Ham star slapping the cat in the face and kicking it across the kitchen floor.

Zouma’s brother, 23-year-old Yoan, is reportedly the person filming the disturbing February 6 incident; he is facing two counts of ‘aiding and abetting’ animal cruelty.

After the incident, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) took possession of Zouma’s two cats; the cats remain in the animal-welfare agency’s care. West Ham, the Premier League club that Zouma plays for, fined him two weeks’ wages but allowed him to continue to play.

Zouma has faced harsh criticism from animal lovers who are appalled by his behavior.

Update 6/01/2022:

Kurt Zouma has been sentenced to 180 hours of community service.
He has been banned from keeping cats for five years.
He was told to pay nearly £9,000 in court costs.

Sky Sports


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  1. This kind of “ evil being” deserves nothing less than prison and a severe beat down!!! Very dangerous being !! Being is causing more suffering teaching his family members to be “horribly cruel” to innocent animals that are in his evil house of horrors…….

  2. Fing POS like this life did not matter. His family is no better either. His possessions need to be given to support animal shelters across the world..

  3. This stinking creep should have gotten a more severe and harsh punishment! He should have had to pay a huge fine and be banned from playing football. Stupid moron!

  4. The POS and his “brother” deserve SO much more punishment for this disgusting, COWARDLY crime. In hell they will laugh no more.

  5. Serves him right. He is also a bad example for his kids. Many of the recent mass shooters in the U.S. were animal abusers. That is often where it starts.

  6. It is amazing that you can be the biggest piece of human garbage on the planet and still make bank just because you can kick a ball around. Straight up human garbage, pull right from the gutter with not a common decent cell in your soul and some company will pay you cuz you can play a kids game. Pretty sure if his parents didn’t raise him to be a decent person 9 grand won’t teach him either. Jail time might have but looks like they didn’t bother to try that.

  7. Should be tossed out of the sport and banned from owning any animal of any kind forever. His slimy nasty craphead family too.

  8. A 200 lb. football player vs a 4 lb. cat & a judge decides in 5 years he can have another cat? These kind of cases deserve jury trials for starters & prosecutors & judges who’re not football fans & not animal haters.

  9. This disgusting individual received 180 hours community service – hoping he has to do this working with animals (under strict supervision) and being educated about animal welfare. He should NOT be given an easy ride coaching kids football etc. He should be sacked from his club and never be allowed to play professional football again – overpaid and privileged!!! He is a disgrace to the human race

  10. He and his BIG money is how he got off so easy! I would hope that he is no longer being paid the big bucks by ANY team!!! It appears that a lot of these professional sports players are savage assholes who think they can get by with any crime they damn well please. I guess money can buy you anything. Hoping he no longer has a way of making his bucks!

    • How someone treats animals is Everything I need to know about them !He’s a monster AND a huge POS along with his rotten family! May they have the WORST karma possible!

  11. Why only 5 years? Slime bag Kurt Zouma and his equally disgusting bother Yoan should be given a lifetime ban on having a cat or any animal for that matter.

  12. What an insane brain! And his brother filmed that crime? Congratulation to their marvellous parents, that created two sociopaths.

  13. He is an abuser and needs to be punished. Nice message/example he is sending to kids/people who watch football, he is an ignorant POS and shoulkd be banned from playing football. Disgusting.

  14. Where can I sign and share this insane creep? He should loose his career and home for the animal crueltyl.


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