HomeAnimal RescuePolice Officers Rescue Terrified Bear Cub After His Mom And Siblings Were...

Police Officers Rescue Terrified Bear Cub After His Mom And Siblings Were Struck And Killed By A Car

On the evening of April 8, officers with the Greenfield, Mass. Police Department responded to an incident on Route 2 that claimed the life of a mother bear and two of her cubs. According to the authorities, the bears had been struck by a vehicle.

When the officers arrived at the location, they could hear squealing and discovered a third cub in a tree.

In a release, the department described what transpired, writing:

Officers heard squealing and found a very scared third cub that was able to seek refuge and safety by climbing a tree. Knowing the danger the now orphaned cub was in, Officer Lagoy and Purinton, were able to rescue the cub.

The frightened cub was placed into a cruiser and AMR was able to provide a kennel to keep him safe.

The cub spent a night at the station and was picked up by a wildlife specialist the next day. The department confirmed that the cub went to Tufts Wildlife Clinic for care.

There was no further information provided about whoever hit the mother bear and her cubs, or whether or not the surviving cub was injured in any way.

(All images via Greenfield, Mass. Police Department)

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  1. I was in Greenfield just the other day and have been to Tufts though not the wildlife center which sadly had a bad ending. This poor cub. The sadness and terror he must have felt. I am grateful the officers were kind to him and gave him the care he needed. It would be wonderful if his sibling could be found.Despite the good and caring people in the world we are truly a dangerous and invasive species.

  2. That poor poor baby cub not knowing what to do seeing her family killed.Thank got for the police officers & their thoughtfulness & their kindness to keep the baby cub for the night at the police station. 🐕🐾🐕🐾🐕🐾❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🐻🐻🐻🐻


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