HomeCats'Please Spend Time With Me' Senior Cat Has Been Homeless More Than...

‘Please Spend Time With Me’ Senior Cat Has Been Homeless More Than 440 Days

Melbourne, Australia – A senior cat is patiently waiting for someone to take her home and love her as their own. The 11-year-old cat, Lovely, has been at the Australian Animal Protection Society for over 440 days – the heartbreaking sign on the outside of her enclosure reads “Please spend time with me.”

According to the animal welfare agency, Lovely’s original owner died. Surviving family took her in for a short time, then moved…leaving her behind. A friend attempted to care for Lovely, but after discovering that she was allergic, the cat was taken to the shelter. Last year, the shelter thought that they had found a good home for Lovely, but her adopter returned her because she meowed too much.

Lovely is receiving care at the shelter, and she has a nice enclosure where she spends her time..but it is not the same as a home, with a real family who she can love.

Please share Lovely’s information and help her find a committed, loving owner. Find the shelter on Facebook here.

Find Lovely’s adoption profile here.

Note: ALL inquiries about Lovely must be made directly to the shelter. Animal Victory is not the point of contact and has no affiliation with this cat, or the shelter. Thank you.

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  1. I was going to check into having her sent to me here in the US but when I clicked to see her profile in the above article, I got the message that I am including at the end of this message. I live on a farm in an area where people drop off cats I guess because we have a farm. I just don’t understand people. I always take them to be checked out, spayed or neutered, and they remain here on the farm til they die. I now have 12 cats with one being dropped off just a couple days ago. Making appointment to have him checked out and neutered. Anyway I wish I could get the profile for this baby. Message I received is :404Oh no! We couldn’t find the page you were looking for.

    • Sassy Cat:
      Same here. I was looking into getting her here to the USA to live in a comfortable home with us. Finding her information has produced no results. I have “talker cat” already so I don’t mind a vocal kitty. They would probably get along since my boy kitty is so laid back. If they really wanted her to be adopted, they would make finding the information a bit easier for people. Kind of makes me wonder if her story was put out there just for donations?

  2. Eleven is not even that old for a cat. One can maybe understand the allergies, if they were sever, but too much meowing. What an awful excuse. Surely, someone must want to bring this beautiful girl home.

  3. She was probably meowing because she was happy to finally have a home or so she thought. Will someone with a little more patience and understanding of cats please give this little cat a home. If we lived in Australia we would adopt her in a heartbeat but we live in Canada and have had numerous cats over the years.

    • I agree, I cannot believe NO ONE at the shelter or someone they know won’t take this poor little thing in. That ‘family’ that left her behind were sick scumbags to do that too!!!! Disgusting lowlifes people are. This is truly unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • You are probably right which demonstrates to those doubters who don’t know cats that they’re are not aloof and distant and do form strong bonds with their owners and pine for them when they are gone which makes this really heartbreaking that no one so far has stepped up to help fill the void in this little cats life.


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