HomeAnimal RescuePhotojournalist Saves Puppy Who Survived Wildfire

Photojournalist Saves Puppy Who Survived Wildfire

Klamath River, California – A puppy who managed to survive the McKinney Fire, near the California-Oregon border, was discovered by a photojournalist who was in the Klamath River area filming the fire damage.

Jonathan Rivas tells KCRA News:

“I heard a yelp in the distance, but I didn’t really know what it was, I thought it was an injured deer or one of the wildlife that’s there. All of a sudden, this little puppy comes and runs up to me. I was super shocked to see that come from the rubble there.


The pup was excited to see a friendly face and readily allowed Rivas to pick him up and take him to his car. After being given some water, the pair made their way to a shelter in Yreka.

With the help of social media, the puppy was reunited with his family. Rivas told the news agency:

“Reuniting it with their family and after hearing their story, it makes me feel good, I am just happy, I was at the right place at the right time.”

(Screenshots via KCRA News)


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