HomeWildlifeOwl Who Escaped From Zoo Over A Year Ago Died After Colliding...

Owl Who Escaped From Zoo Over A Year Ago Died After Colliding With Window

Manhattan, NY – A 13-year-old owl who escaped from the Central Park Zoo in February 2023 has died after colliding with a window in Manhattan. According to a news release from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), the Eurasian eagle owl was found unresponsive near a building on West 89th Street in Manhattan.

Staff from WCS quickly responded to the site and the owl, Flaco, was declared deceased. Flaco’s body was transported to the Bronx Zoo for necropsy.

Flaco escaped from the Central Park Zoo after someone vandalized his enclosure. The person responsible has not yet been found and charged. WCS said:

“We are still hopeful that the NYPD, which is investigating the vandalism, will ultimately make an arrest.”

WCS staff had been monitoring Flaco’s whereabouts after he escaped. They were prepared to recover him if he showed any signs of distress.

Rest in peace Flaco.

(Stock image of an owl via Pixabay/Not Flaco)

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