HomeFeaturedOrphaned Baby Bobcats Rescued After Mother's Body Found Nearby

Orphaned Baby Bobcats Rescued After Mother’s Body Found Nearby

A litter of bobcats was rescued after their mom died.

Louisville, Colorado – Five baby bobcats have been rescued after they were orphaned. According to the Greenwood Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, the local police received a call from a homeowner who reported the kittens hanging around their backyard; a lactating female Bobcat was found deceased on the road nearby.

Animal Control Officer Kenney, and the homeowner who reported the kittens to the authorities, captured the first kitten after a live trap was set. The following day, two more kittens were captured, and a fourth was caught after someone saw him “shaking” in a tree. The agency said:

A caring citizen noticed the baby in the tree, clinging to the bark and shaking. He was likely beginning to weaken after days without his mother.

Efforts continued for the capture of the last bobcat kitten. Five days ago, the agency said:

It is with great satisfaction that we announce the final Bobcat kitten was captured and brought to Greenwood! Thanks to tips from the community and efforts from Officer Kenney of Louisville Animal Control, this little one was reunited with her siblings.

Final baby bobcat rescued after death of mother
Final baby bobcat rescued after death of mother

The first kitten captured passed away. The agency explained:

Sadly, despite receiving the best nutrition and medical care possible, the first kitten that came to us passed away overnight. However, she was the runt of the litter and much lighter than her littermates. We suspect that there may have been some underlying health issues that contributed to her rapid and unexpected decline.

The surviving kittens will be vetted and rehabilitated, with the ultimate goal to return them to the wild. The wildlife agency has requested that people do NOT call them for updates about the kittens, writing:

***We will update everyone on the Bobcats’ progress here. Please do not call the Center for updates. Our emergency lines need to remain open for calls about animals in need. Thank you!***

Donations for their care can be made at this link.

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  1. Sad story yet a positive ending that could have ended so differently but for the intervention of one caring homeowner. Hoping for the best for the remaining kittens.

      • Don’t be a jerk yourself land LEARN TO SPELL!! It’s FLIPPANT! Or better still, learn what that word MEANS! This woman is not being flippant, she is asking a simple question because she doesn’t know that bobcats can’t be house pets!


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