HomeAnimal RescueOlly's Family Didn't Want Him And Now He Is Deteriorating While Waiting...

Olly’s Family Didn’t Want Him And Now He Is Deteriorating While Waiting To Be Adopted

Plainfield, IL – When a little dog named Olly was picked up as a stray, there was excitement because a scan revealed that he had a microchip. But that excitement turned to dismay when his family said that they would not be coming to get him.

Now Olly waits to be adopted and the stress is taking a toll. Earlier this week, Wags 2 Wishes Animal Rescue explained how Olly is deteriorating in his kennel:

Olly needs your help!!
He is starting to deteriorating in his kennel to point we have to cover his kennel!
He needs a home!!

The four-year-old Jack Russell’s Petfinder biography reads:

Olly is a fun and spunky little guy. He was picked up by local police and everyone was excited that he had a microchip and had been missing for over a year. The excitement turned to disappointment when his family told them they wouldn’t be coming for him. We knew that he was a special guy so we scooped him up and promised better days to come.

* best as your only dog
* cats unknown

Interested? Apply at:

* watch your email for Wags communication after you apply

Facebook page for Olly’s rescue group here.

Note: Please direct ALL inquiries about this dog to the rescue agency. Animal Victory is not the point of contact.

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  1. I hope dear Olly will find a safe loving home soon!! And I also hope that the disgusting people who dumped him will burn in hell!!! These cowards are pure evil and they must pay!!!

  2. He just got adopted? Perfect! I hope and pray his new family loves him and spoils him excessively!!!!!! Good work and kudos to the Rescue Group

  3. I will take Ollie so he can be appreciated and have a life that he should have. Asses should have been charged with dumping and abandonment. A stiff fine and be listed as not good for adopting any other animal.

  4. How can people do this to sweet animals ???? I don’t understand them at all . I pray that someone comes soon to get poor Olly out of the kennels 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  5. I just saw ing one of the comments that Olly got a home though i did not see it in the article. I hope that is true because he clearly needs one. What dog does not? I have a 16 year old dog and a cat so I could not adopt him but I hope he does indeed have a home and if not, there must be one out there for him and it should come soon.

  6. Jack Russell’s are full of energy and people need to know that so hopefully the person(s) who adopted will keep him for life and not abandon him like the other family.

  7. I hope these previous owners Rot In Hell!! It’s Clear that they Did Not Love this Dog!! absolutely a disgrace!! They should be made to pay for the rescue and for the care until this dog finds his forever home….. !! Make them Pay!!

  8. Poor little dog. I have a jack russell type dog and he is a challenge, but so loving.
    We adopted him from a shelter and had no idea what to expect. He certainly was a challenge. My husband came down with Grave’s Disease which made him hyper. The dog was very hyper and it worked out well. They helped each other tremendously. You have to be prepared to be able to care for a Jack russell.

  9. shared on FB. This is happening everywhere. It’s an epidemic in SoCal right now! Shelters need a complete reform to care for the dogs there, and to screen for adoption!!!

  10. It’s awful that Olly’s family didn’t want him and didn’t come pick him up. I can’t believe someone would do this to their dog. I am so happy to hear that Olly has been adopted , Thank you so much to the family that adopted him.

  11. why do they have his kennel covered with a sheet? He needs to be with other dogs at least while he waits. What kind of rescue is thie???

  12. PLEASE someone out there help this poor neglected dog and Remove the chip with his last terrible disgusting owners name off him forever!!! Deranged uncaring people!!

  13. Pets are part of the family! These people don’t deserve to ever have a pet again. How can you give up a loved one and still sleep at night?!

      • They do deserve to feel what Olly felt all that time, and feel it hard. I never had any kids, so am already “dumped by them.” I sort of joke here, only because I read in another comment that Olly got adopted! I hope it’s forever and a wonderful home, as we all surely do.

  14. I just read that Ollie got adopted…I’m sooo happy for that little guy….🐾🐾🐶❣️. I was going to fill out an adoption paper but then I saw…..Adopted . I’m happy now.


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