HomeFeaturedOfficials Break Car Window To Save Dying Dog, But It Was Too...

Officials Break Car Window To Save Dying Dog, But It Was Too Late

A dog left in a parked car died of heat stroke on Sunday.

San Diego, CA – On Sunday, someone left a dog inside a car parked at a Trolley station in East County. By the time someone noticed the distressed dog and called for help, it was too late.

As reported by NBC San Diego, someone parked their Volkswagen at the Spring Street parking lot around 2 p.m. on Sunday. Two hours later, a MTS bus operations team noticed the dog in the car and called security for help. Security contacted San Diego Humane and MTS K9. Tragically, even though a window of the car was broken to remove the dog, it was too late to save his life.

SDHS spokesman Jordan Frey told the news agency:

“We can confirm that the dog had sadly passed away before our Humane Officers and La Mesa PD were on the scene, and our officers confirmed he was deceased. MTS and [bystanders] did legally break into the car and attempt to aid the dog in distress.”

Anyone with information about this case is asked to call SDHS investigators at 619-299-7012, option 1.

It bears repeating – on even moderately warm days it is dangerous to leave a dog (or any living being) in a parked car. Please leave your pets at home. If you are walking through a parking lot and see an animal in distress, please take action immediately to help save his/her life.

Continue reading: Two Mountain Lions Died Of Starvation After Wildlife Officials Relocated Them To The Desert


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  1. True for your comment and all who are disgusted by pet owner neglectful carelessness resulting in extreme heat stroke dog deaths.

    The selfish and most careless actions of that incompetent pet owner, need to be told to them, and they should be fined penalty charges, for subjecting a helpless dog to extreme heat conditions that overheated and literally cooked the dogs brain, preventing the dog from effectively cooling itself.

    Prevent selfishness and carelessness in pet ownership, by preventing them from buying and keeping pets.
    That’s a needed solution to repeat offenders who never learn.

  2. Some people are just plain stupid & have no common sense either. All they have to do is ask themselves, would I want to be in a car today with the windows up or cracked. If the answer is no, then it’s the same for your dog.

  3. I-would-have-smashed-every-window-on-that-car.Seeing-as-no-punishment-probably-would-have-occured-at-least-this-would-be-some-pay-back.

  4. A HORRIBLE tragedy that was preventable. Personally I think the irresponsible idiot who did this should be locked up in a hot car until dead too. And suffer from the same anguishing death as that poor dog!!!
    The human/humans are a total waste of oxygen and deserve to DIE!!!
    If I was American I’d hunt these animal abusers down and punish them with retribution in the same manner as they caused to any animal. Unfortunately I don’t have a passport so I’m not able. But I pray for some American to be a vigilante and remove ALL these kinds of people from any existence. That I would support totally. The legal approach is as big a joke as Dump Trump and the clowning 🤡 🙄 politics of America. Sadly your legal actions seem useless as most of these abusers are on their second or third rounds of charges!! Pathetic. And few other countries are better, but the USA is appalling for it, especially in its claim of being such a well developed nation. No better than countries like India…..

  5. That is completely irresponsible and cruel when it is so hot out. The suffering that poor dog endured- horrible. I hope the person who left him there will not get off with any kind of punishment. I would never leave my dog in the car for that long in the summer. If I leave him it is cool out or I will leave the air conditioning on if I am not going to be too long.

      • The selfish and most careless actions of that incompetent pet owner, need to be told to them, and they should be fined penalty charges, for subjecting a helpless dog to extreme heat conditions that overheated and literally cooked the dogs brain, preventing the dog from effectively cooling itself..
        Prevent selfishness and carelessness in pet ownership, by preventing them from buying and keeping pets.
        That’s a needed solution to repeat offenders who never learn.


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