HomeDogsNY Hunter In Court For Killing Two Senior German Shepherds Who Escaped...

NY Hunter In Court For Killing Two Senior German Shepherds Who Escaped From Their Home

Ridgefield, CT – A New York man is in court, facing charges for killing a family’s two senior German shepherds who had escaped from their owner’s property after a bear damaged fencing around their yard. Michael Konschak, 61, is accused of killing the nine-year-old dogs while crossbow hunting in November.

As reported by NBC Connecticut, Konschak claims that he thought the German shepherds were coyotes and he has stated that one of the dogs “aggressively” charged him after he shot the other one.

The dogs, Leiben and Cimo, belonged to the Caviola family, who had been searching non-stop for their pets since the day they escaped through the damaged fencing.

Konschak took the deceased dogs to a professional taxidermist because he wanted the pelts from the “coyotes.” The taxidermist could see that the deceased animals were German shepherds, and made up an excuse to get out of performing the work. Konschak ended up skinning the dogs himself and then claimed that he threw away the pelts because he said that he did not like the way that they had turned out. Police allege that he threw the pelts away after learning that he was being investigated.

As reported by Fox News, Konschak’s lawyer applied for a special probation program that would have erased the charges, but a judge rejected the request this week. Konschak is due back in court on April 12.

(Screengrab of slain dogs)

Continue reading: Family Member Abandoned Woman’s Dog Outside Of Burger King Restaurant

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  1. Some people just like any excuse to kill things. If he was an experienced “hunter” he would have known the difference between a coyote and a Shepherd. Not surprised the second dog attacked him after seeing its pal killed by this maniac. If these were my dogs this guy would have one of those unfortunate hunting “accidents” at some point down the road. Not even an apology from this asshole to the owners.

  2. Make a pelt out of his sorry hide. Either he knew they weren’t coyotes or his hunting license should be revoked because he is one of the stupidest humans on God’s green Earth.

  3. If those were my dogs, he’d had better been afraid of the owner than the courts! Thats a human piece of shit…Im sorry, he knew they were dogs…what the shit! Skin his stupid ass after they shoot him with his crossbow…see if he likes the pain..he needs to fry! Hell has a place for scum like this!

  4. If this guy is a hunter, but can’t tell the difference between a coyote and German shepherd then he should never own a gun, let alone hunt. Prosecute to the fullest

  5. The owner was smart and hired a canine tracker who tracked these dog’s scent to this murderer’s house. Then he acts all shocked, anyone who can’t tell while decapitating and skinning a dog that it’s not a Coyote, is a liar…

  6. What a piece of shit !! this man is a monster & should be punished harshly These beautiful dogs were family members … heartbreaking story !!

  7. A hunter should know EXACTLY what he is killing before EVER pulling the trigger or releasing an arrow. NO EXCUSE!!! This POS is a waste of oxygen. Someone needs to do the same to him that he did to these innocent furbabies! Scumbags like this make me sick!!! No wonder society is decaying itself into nonexistence.

  8. Wow, if hell exists, this guy deserves a special place there. Killing someone’s dogs thinking they’re coyotes, possible honest mistake. Asking taxidermist to skin them, that person refusing — because that individual thinks they’re not coyotes, the doing it yourself!? Then discarding the skins. And I can’t fathom the horror of the family that lost their dogs in this terrible scenario.

    • 100 % agree,skin him first tho. Typical shooter who can’t tell the difference between a gsd and coyote . Half these knob ends shouldnt be able to own a gun licence. Glad I’m over the pond ,coz I’d hunt the maggot down 👎


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