HomeDogsNursing Home Adopted Dog Who Kept Escaping Shelter To Visit

Nursing Home Adopted Dog Who Kept Escaping Shelter To Visit

Antrim County, Michigan – A dog who repeatedly escaped from an animal shelter in Antrim County, Michigan, was adopted by the people he kept going to see. It all began in 2017 when Scout broke out of the Antrim County Animal Shelter and made a beeline for the Meadow Brook Medical Care Facility.

Nobody knows why Scout targeted the nursing home, but each time he escaped the shelter, he was found lounging on the medical care facility’s couch in the lobby.

Marna Robertson, Meadow Brook Administrator, tells Up North Live:

“I don’t know why he chose us. What was funny with Scout is he’s a jailbreaker. He can open doors and get out of fences. He’s a very intelligent dog.”

The staff took the hint and decided to give the determined dog a permanent home with them, and everyone, from Scout to the facility’s residents and staff, benefited. Robertson tells the news agency:

“He just brings love and he brings normalcy. You know, when you come into a facility, right? You have a lot of loss. And one of the losses is when people have to leave their homes is pets. So it really helps the residents just it creates a sense of home.”

And now Scout is doing something for the animal shelter where it all began. From now through January 13, donations of dog food, cat food, treats, and toys can be left at the medical care facility lobby located at 4543 S. M-88, Bellaire MI 49615 in honor of Scouts House Paws for the first annual Pantry Fundraiser.

Find the facility’s Facebook page at this link.



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  1. Clearly, Scout knew where home was and it just took a bit of time for the people to catch up. Everyone wins! I don’t ever want to be in a nursing home (who does?) but if I had to be in one I would want a dog there.

  2. awesome story. dogs are the best. they know where they are needed and loved and will do anything to get there. enjoy your new home Scout.


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