HomeNational Animal NewsMen Arrested After Police Find Live Deer In Vehicle On Top Of...

Men Arrested After Police Find Live Deer In Vehicle On Top Of Cooler And Law Chairs

Florida – Police in Monroe County, Florida, arrested two men from Miami after finding a live Key deer in their vehicle. According to a release from the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO), the men were driving a blue Chevrolet hatchback-style vehicle that “failed to stay in its lane” around 2 a.m. on July 24.

The release describes how the deer was found:

An injured Key deer was inside the vehicle on top of a cooler, lawn chairs and other miscellaneous objects.

The men claimed that they had struck the Key deer on U.S. 1 north of the Seven Mile Bridge and they believed that it was dead. According to the authorities, the type of deer in the vehicle is not typically found in the area where the men claimed to have hit it with the car.

The release states:

The men stated they initially thought the deer was dead but realized the deer was still alive, so they decided to take it to a veterinarian in Miami for treatment. Both men stated they never called 911, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

The men, identified as Yoankis Hernandez Pena, 38, and Andres Leon Valdes, 45, were arrested on charges of cruelty to animals and taking, possessing or selling a federally designated endangered or threatened species. Both were taken to jail.



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  1. Poor darling. How it must have suffered from fear and pain.Thankfully vets tried to help but the animal was too damaged. Run free in a better place, little one. I hope the SOBs who did this get what’s coming to them.

  2. Yes,and I have a bridge I can sell you. These two creeps were going to kill this poor baby. So glad they were caught and NOW THEY NEED TO GO TO JAIL FOR A LONG TIME. This kind of crap must stop now!

  3. You know damn right well they were going to kill the deer and then eat her. Take her back to Miami to fix her? Yeah right!! That’s the biggest pile of bull crap I’ve heard today!

  4. Anyone that treats animals like this you go to prison for a long time and never be around animals again and never have or to be able to bear arms

  5. Psychos were probably going to slaughter the the injured deer. Thank God they were caught and arrested! Does anyone know the fate of the deer?

  6. Florida sure breeds some special psychos coast to coast! Yeah Right you were NOT GOING TO KILL AND EAT HER! lock them up fine the crap outta the dumb rednecks.

    • Interesting how some offensive stereotypes seem to be more acceptable than others. Abusing, torturing, and killing animals is unfortunately not exclusive to any race or creed.

    • I know! Too bad they didn’t put that information there. My guess is the deer was euthanized, unless the police were able to contact a wildlife rehabilitation center. But that only happens when the rescue places have the funds to do that. Usually deer are considered “expendable” and not worth the time and money to eventually release it into the wild. So sad! 😢

      • Too bad the government doesn’t send some funds to these rehab centers. With all the frivolous waste of gov spending, at least some funds could go to a good cause. Poor deer.

        • No Government Funds are ever sent to any Wildlife Rehabilitation Centers. They are expected to fend for themselves despite that Game and fish staff Often bring them injured or orphaned wildlife

        • We have trillions to give to the illegals and useless ppl but not to help our own , be animals veterans the homeless and all , shame the richest nation on this planet the Veterans ask for 11 $ per month to survive and animals are euthanized and homeless keep multiplying

      • Key deer are endangered species so first they would try to save it. Full grown they are the size of a medium size dog. Hopefully it can be rehabilitated and set free.

        • From your lips to God’s ear — thank you so much — this MAKES SENSE — the purpose of Rehab Centers is to care for Wildlife.

      • Do Rehab staff get paychecks? — so, they DO in fact get money — they get paid to DO what? — nothing? — they have what it takes to SAVE this Deer — that is what Rehab is all about — therefore, Deer must be saved and released if and when ready.


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