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Man Rescued After Months At Sea With Dog Decides To Move On Without Her

A man who was rescued with his dog after drifting at sea for months has decided to move on to more adventures without her.

The man rescued after being stranded for months at sea with his dog has decided to move on without her. On July 12, 54-year-old Tim Shaddock, and his dog Bella, was rescued from his disabled catamaran. The pair had been drifting in the Pacific Ocean for months after a storm damaged the vessel.

Though Shaddock credits Bella for helping to keep him calm during their months at sea, he wants to move on to more adventures without her by his side. Shaddock has said that he wants to visit Belize and he does not want to put Bella at risk again.

A crew member from the Mexican boat that rescued them in July offered to take Bella in and give her a home. As reported in the Independent, Shaddock said:

“She’s got a really good outcome. The worst outcome was that she would lose her life out there with me.”

Shaddock has had Bella since 2020 when he met her as a stray in Mexico and she jumped in his car as he set out for the coast.

Prior article here.

Continue reading: Heartbroken Rescuers Left Shaken After 12 Dogs Died When Air-Conditioning Failed In Trailer


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  1. Shaddock will soon realize that he made a terrible big mistake by giving up Bella and it will haunt him for the rest of his life. Bella was his “only” companion and comfort while stranded at sea. He’ll soon see that his “new adventures” he so looks forward in going to by himself without Bella by his side will not be the same without her. To not have wanted to form and keep any kind of bond with her and have her by his side where ever he goes is his misfortune. He just doesn’t know it yet…..but he’s going to miss that dog…..Big Time

  2. Dogs are the most loyal loving beings to their owners. Humans often times do not reciprocate this love. So sad and selfish!! I hope Bella is being loved and spoiled with her new family!!

  3. The man taking Bella is not “some random fisherman”. He was one of the crew who RESCUED Shaddock and his dog.

  4. Strange, how nobody bothered to check the facts without writing this article: their union came to an end due to Australia’s notorious animal importation regulations.

    People can only bring animals into Australia that are arriving from approved countries, which Mexico is not, and also once they are medically fit to arrive.

    • Selfish man….giving the dog away was just cruel. The dog stayed by the boat until the man has been driven out of sight. The dog was probably heartbroken. The guy probably only survived because the dog kept him company and kept him from going insane out of the water alone. The guy really didn’t give a crap about the dog because where there’s a will there’s a way. Sure Australia requires animals entering the country to be vaccinated, chip and spend time in quarantine, but after that he could have gotten the dog home. The guy just wanted to go home as quick as possible and didn’t want to deal with the cost or delays involved in getting the dog into his home country. There are also International organizations that would have also helped the dog get home too. Or course there’s great rescues in CA just across the border that could have taken the dog as well. Leaving the dog in shit hole Mexico doesn’t sound great with some random fisherman who probably makes hardily nothing and may not treat the dog well. Not a happy ending for the dog.

  5. Good riddance to him. It was bad enough that he refused to radio his family for help because of his self-confessed pride, which shows what a jerk he is.
    Happy that lovely Bella will get to be adopted by a loving family.

  6. Poor Bella, wondering why she’s been left behind. I work with dogs at 2 shelters and I know they feel it when the people who have cared for them leave them behind, even if it’s for a reason. The dogs are sad and confused, so I dont think she would want to be left behind. I think she’d be willing to risk her life to stay with her owner. Maybe she’ll be better off w/o such a selfish owner, but, she won’t understand.

  7. Bella is bonded to him. Choosing self-gratification over a loyal loving living being is all too typical. May Bella be adopted by someone who will stay with her, love her and care well for her for life.

  8. Well, maybe the dog would be better off. He’s essentially saying I want to keep having adventures and can’t be tied down by this dog. Think about all the rescuing of his ass he has ahead of him. Yeah, he may be thinking a bit of this dog’s welfare, but he’s thinking of his lifestyle first. So what else is new, humans thinking primarily of themselves.

  9. How can anyone abandon their family member? This man should never own animals again. These animals have feelings too. I hope the person who took the dog is a good person and takes good care of Bella.

  10. People can make arrangements to travel with pets if they take time to make the effort. Adopters like this should be blacklisted.

  11. He does not want to put her in danger but it is also a selfish move. It’s a mixed bag. I hope Bella finds someone who cares enough to stick around or take her on safer trips.

  12. I think he made the right decision for the dog, as long as the boat crew member is a responsible, good person with a good, loving family (and friends). If he’s not, I of course hope and pray that Bella finds someone who is. Let the adventurer put his own life at risk out there, not hers too anymore.

  13. Abandonment of children is a crime. Abandonment of an animal should be too. He’d rather go and have fun rather than have the love of this dog who was by his side for a long time at sea! So where is this dog now? Does anyone know or did he just dump her on the streets of Mexico?

    Would this group, the SPCA Humane Society and every animal group please find out??? Make sure she is safe and if not, rescue this soul?

  14. The dog will likely be better off. Someone who is selfish and desires to take trips as opposed to be the companion for their dog doesn’t deserve the companionship of a dog. Karma can be rough and the seas might not be so pleasant again.

    • Very much agreed..this dog saved his life when he had nothing not even Hope drifting away into the empty sea,now he wants to abandon her.Total piece of shit.The dog should have been rescued instead of him


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