HomeAnimal RescueMalnourished Puppy With Cigarette Burns Left Tied Outside Of 7-11

Malnourished Puppy With Cigarette Burns Left Tied Outside Of 7-11

Chicago, IL – A four-month-old puppy is receiving care after being abandoned outside of a 7-11 store. According to the Famous Fido Rescue Adoption Wellness & Learning Center, the pup, dubbed Cody, is malnourished and covered in cigarette burns.

The animal welfare agency writes:

Cody’s condition broke our hearts – he has cigarette burns on his hind, his ribs are protruding from malnourishment, his body is underdeveloped, his nails are overgrown, and he is incredibly nervous.
We were already at full capacity, but we couldn’t turn our backs on Cody.

Tragically, this shelter, like so many others, is at full capacity. They tried to find boarding for the neglected and abused pup, but nobody would take him in. The organization is desperate to find help to give Cody what he needs.

We also desperately need someone to adopt Cody. He deserves to have a loving home where he can be happy and cared for. If you’re looking for a furry companion, please consider adopting Cody.
We cannot stress enough how urgent this situation is. Cody needs us, and we need you. Please help us give him the second chance he deserves. A puppy should not have to start their life this way, but together, we can make a real difference in his future!

Can you help?

Interested in meeting Cody for adoption? Apply here: https://famousfidorescue.org/dog-adoption-application/

Continue reading: Shelter Seeks Special End-Of-Life Home For Senior Husky With Cancer

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  1. This breaks my heart for you Cody. I pray someone will take you home quickly to be loved the rest of your life!! The heathen (s) that did this to you deserve thee same punishment!!


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