HomeCatsIs The World's Oldest Cat Living In Oregon?

Is The World’s Oldest Cat Living In Oregon?

Is the world’s oldest living cat alive and well in Oregon? Perhaps. According to KPTV News, Charly Briggs’ cat, Samm, is believed to be 26-years-old.

In 2002, Briggs took in the orange tabby while living in Memphis, Tennessee. Today they live in Turner, Oregon, and Samm’s veterinarian believes that the feline is indeed, 26 years of age. At the suggestion of friends, Briggs checked in with the  Guinness Book of World Records to see if Samm might qualify as the oldest living cat.

She tells the news agency what Guinness told her, “The oldest living cat we have on record right now is 24.” And recounted her response to friends,  “I’m like, ‘What? He’s older than 24.’ I was like just freaking out. Then I was putting it to my friends on social media like, ‘Guys, he could do it. He could win.’ They’re like, ‘Go for it, go for it!’ Yeah, we’re going for it.”

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the oldest cat ever was named Creme Puff – she lived until an astounding 38 years of age with her owner in Texas.

No word on what needs to be confirmed for Samm to take the title for the oldest living cat. In the meantime, he is gaining popularity on social media with fans on Instagram and TikTok.

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