HomeAnimal RescueIllegally Held Tiger Cub, Found In Dog Crate, Has A New Home...

Illegally Held Tiger Cub, Found In Dog Crate, Has A New Home In Colorado

Keenesburg, Colorado – An illegally held tiger cub, discovered in January inside of a dog crate at a home in Southeast Albuquerque, New Mexico, has a new home at a sanctuary in Colorado. The four-month-old cub was found by Albuquerque police who were responding to a shooting at 304 Indiana Street S.E. on January 10.

While on scene, the police heard an additional gunshot coming from a mobile home and while investigating, they found a blood trail leading to an unlocked trailer; inside of the trailer they found the crated Bengal Tiger.

Since that time, the tiger cub has been in the custody of the New Mexico Department of Fish and Game, and in the care of ABQ BioPark. Officials recently announced that the cub is going to live at The Wild Animal Sanctuary in Colorado. The cub was not able to be released into the wild because he is too accustomed to humans; his new name is Duke.

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  1. Can’t understand why there are so many cracks (crevices more like it) in the system that make it so easy for idiots to bring big cats like this into the country as “pets” They are not “pets” and suffer as a consequence due to the restricted confines of their existence. The same system makes it easy for equally idiot people to purchase these animals. The system needs to be tightened up dramatically especially at the border crossings and airports where these animals come in but also at the local level where the laws should be enforced with more vigour to protect these poor animals when found and charge both the importers and the owners. People are basically shite at this level and should be treated as such.


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