HomeAnimal Rescue'I Made A Bad Decision' Owner Relinquishes Hundreds Of Cats To Shelter

‘I Made A Bad Decision’ Owner Relinquishes Hundreds Of Cats To Shelter

British Columbia, Canada – A man with good intentions got in over his head while trying to care for unwanted cats in his community. According to the B.C. SPCA, the owner of the cats has stated that he began taking in strays, and then the cats started to multiply, resulting in an overwhelming situation.

Bruce Robinson, the cats’ owner, tells CBC News, “I made a bad decision. I thought I could handle the cats.” Explaining that people started dropping off their pets during the Covid-19 pandemic and the felines started to reproduce. Robinson did not have the funds to spay and neuter the cats and they quickly began having litter after litter of kittens.

Despite the overwhelming number of cats in Robinson’s care, they appeared to be friendly and healthy. In a press release, the agency states:

“When we initially attended, our teams were quite surprised to see how well the animals have been taken care of, all things considered, but without a quick intervention the chance of their welfare suffering is very high. The cats mostly appear to be in good shape and seem quite social.”

Charges against the man are not expected and he is the one who reached out to the animal welfare agency for help.

BC SPCA is caring for approximately 200 cats from Robinson’s home. You can find the agency’s Facebook page at this link.

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  1. I feel sorry for the guy… with people dumping off their “beloved” pets for him to feed and care for. This happens a lot as soon as lazy people find out there’s a rescuer nearby. The cats or dogs should have already been neutered. Plus, you adopt for life! Not til it’s inconvenient. It (the dumping off) happens frequently to ALL my rescuer friends! They at least have some access to veterinary care & neutering.

  2. well, I am going to mention that this would have never happened if the original cat owners would have been responsible and fixed their cats. I believe in giving credit where credit is due!

  3. Why does it take these idiots so long to realize they are in way over their heads and the cats suffer as a consequence. Yes it’s better to have someone like this that obviously loves cats than the other assholes you read about here that do horribly cruel things to cats but best intentions have to be tempered with the realities that you are starting to have trouble caring for these cats early on and ask for help long before it becomes a crisis situation.


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