HomeDogsHuge Reward - Woman Spotted On Video Viciously Beating A Small Dog

Huge Reward – Woman Spotted On Video Viciously Beating A Small Dog

A huge reward, recently climbing to $10,000, is being offered for information leading to the identification, arrest, and conviction of a woman who was spotted on video viciously beating a small, white dog.

The disturbing incident took place in Atlanta, Georgia, at the Landing Square apartments on Greenbriar Parkway S.W. on December 16. Ring doorbell video footage shows the woman taking off a shoe and beating the dog, who can be heard crying in pain.

When the woman finishes beating the dog, she picks it up and walks away. The authorities have questioned staff at the apartment complex, but nobody was able to identify the woman in the video. The police are hopeful that a member of the public will have a tip to lead them to the suspect’s identity.

Anyone who knows something about this situation is asked to submit their tips anonymously to the Crime Stoppers Atlanta tip line at 404-577-TIPS (8477) or online at www.crimestoppersatlanta.org. People do not have to give their name or any identifying information to be eligible for the reward of up to $5,000.

PETA is offering an additional $5,000 to the reward fund. PETA Senior Vice President Colleen O’Brien said:

“If this little dog is still in this violent person’s hands, he or she is possibly experiencing the terror and pain of similar beatings regularly. This dog needs to be separated from the abuser immediately, and PETA urges anyone with answers to come forward.”


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  1. We MUST PROTECT this Dog —  We have PSYCHOS in our midst — this is beyond sadistic, hateful, unconscionable & cruel — AND, immoral — CRIMES against ANIMALS must be taken SERIOUSLY —  FIND the IDIOT and throw in Prison — we MUST PROTECT this Dog —  MONSTER will repeat

  2. I hope they will find that evil cruel woman ASAP!! She is a devil and she belongs in hell! This poor dog must be rescued before that sadistic psychopath will kill him!! Please dear God, save this poor innocent little dog…..

  3. This women has been arrested. Please tell me where the dog is now? Is it safe and being cared for now? Has it received veterinarian care? That is my number one concern now. She should NEVER get this dog back.

  4. This female needs to be caught, convicted of a felony so she can spend time in prison and have the felony on her record.

  5. God please find this evil and devious hateful person. Punish her to the max for all of the hate, anger, and meaness she has in her sole. I agree with all of the comments. Let us share this and find this low life bi____?

  6. i hope they find the bitch who did this and put her in jail ware she belongs. i hope somebody gives her a good beating for what she did. go to hell bitch is ware you belong.

  7. If she doesn’t live there, she was there visiting. Someone knows her….maybe you can check with Vets in the area. If she has a dog, she must have a vet…

  8. How disgusting and cruel can people get?! Please find this piece of filth and throw her ugly self in jail for the rest of her stinking life. Hopefully she’ll be in a cell with a great big dog lover!!


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