HomeAnimal RescueHeartbreaking Update As Veterinary Hospital Announced Death Of Cat Found Frozen To...

Heartbreaking Update As Veterinary Hospital Announced Death Of Cat Found Frozen To The Ground

Muskegon, Michigan – The veterinary hospital that was caring for a senior cat found frozen to the ground in Muskegon released heartbreaking news earlier this week. The cat, dubbed Elliot, died after developing a saddle thrombosis that paralyzed him.

The Big Lake Community Animal Clinic explained:

It is with heavy hearts that we share Elliot has crossed the rainbow bridge.
Yesterday he developed a saddle thrombosis that paralyzed him. Sadly, there was nothing we could have done to prepare for that but we knew it was time to let him be free from the pain and struggle he’s known most of his life.

The news came as a shock to the people following Elliot’s progress. Prior to the unexpected announcement, Elliot appeared to be making incredible progress. In fact, on New Year’s Eve, the clinic said:

Elliot’s New Years Eve update:
Today Elliot got all cleaned up, purring for the most part during it. Then enjoying some loving comfort from one of the techs caring for him.

Elliot appeared to revel in the comforts he was presented with after being rescued. Though he passed away, he knew love and kindness in the twilight of his life.

You can find the prior story about Elliot’s rescue at this link.

Rest in peace Elliot.

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  1. Sad ending to what could and should have been a heartwarming story of revival. Heartbreaking to think what led up to this poor cat being frozen to the ground but thank you to those who found him and to the vets who tried to save him. Hope he knew someone loved him at the end.

  2. My heart is heavy upon learning of Elliot’s passing. But the warmth and love he enjoyed in his final days brings me some hope. Thank you to all who were involved.

  3. Dying frozen to the ground is not how any animal should end their life. I am only grateful this poor cat was found and died a peaceful death in a warm place feeling loved. It breaks one’s heart seeing what animals endure because of people.

  4. So sad. Thank you to Kelly for finding him and for the vet clinic that did everything they could for him. At least he didn’t die alone outside in the cold. He was loved and cared for during the last few days of his life. At least he was safe, warm, dry and fed. RIP Elliot.


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