HomeNational Animal NewsGood Samaritan Saves Newborn Kittens Thrown Out Of Car Window

Good Samaritan Saves Newborn Kittens Thrown Out Of Car Window

Duluth, GA – Newborn kittens, cruelly tossed from the window of a moving vehicle, were saved thanks to an observant good Samaritan. On April 5, Planned PEThood of Georgia said:

Last night, a lady witnessed someone toss what she thought was trash out a car window while going through a busy intersection. She was suspicious and decided to stop to check it out. She couldn’t believe what she saw! Two neonate kittens!


The Good Samaritan kept the kittens overnight and brought them into Planned PEThood first thing this morning. We called the police to file a report and they immediately sent out a compassionate cat dad to help. The incident is being investigated as animal cruelty, and efforts are underway to find the person responsible.

Amazingly, unbeknownst to the good Samaritan, a third kitten had been thrown out of the vehicle. A different good Samaritan located the tiny kitten after searching the area where the others had been found. Planned PEThood said:

The third sibling, a little boy, miraculously made it alone all night outside. After he was brought in this morning, we fed and cared for him, before reuniting with his siblings. All snuggled up before they went home with a foster tonight, as they will require round-the-clock care!

Donations can be made directly to Planned PEThood. The group said:

Donations to help these kittens we took in TODAY would be greatly appreciated. Each of these kitties will need extra veterinary care, formula, warming supplies, and more. Donations of $10 or $20 would make a HUGE difference to help these two kitties.
Donations are desperately needed below, at PEThoodGA.org/give, or on PayPal using info@pethoodga.org.

Continue reading: Young German Shepherd Scheduled For Euthanasia April 12 Because Shelter Is Full

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  1. These fur babies are very strong especially the little fur ball guy that was all alone at night on the side of the road by himself, he wanted to live all of them did, just glad the beautiful fur babies are all doing good and are safe and getting lots of love and care around rhe clock.❤️❤️❤️🥰that is what all fur babies deserve is lots of love, pets, ,❤️ and care 🥰🥰. My fur baby lily is a rescue rescued her 6 years ago January 12th 2018.

  2. Thank you to the good Samaritan that pulled over and found out that it was not ready and that they were fur babies new borns at that and thank you to the other good person that found the fur babies brother thank you for finding him they are so cute all 3 of these fur babies are just so cute it breaks my heart 💔 that someone that is this evil would do that and they think they will get away with it no i do believe that someone somewhere will find out who did this and why there is no reason for anyone to ever throw kittens newborns for that matter out the window and just to be left there to die, how can they sleep at night? And what did they do with the fur babies mama? Is she okay? She has to be worried about her babies for sure

  3. No human does that to an animal or a child how would they have liked it if they were just thrown away like trash?? I mean my god not cool that is going to be between that monster and god because i will say this no human does this to an animal or anyone for that matter only the devil does that.

  4. Who would be so cruel and heartless to throw new born kittens out the window? What the heck is that? Whoever this person is is a monster, and needs to be found or charged with animal cruelty, this is not okay thank god the fur babies are all okay and are getting all of the love and care that they will be deserving of for the rest of their lives, glad that they are together now.

  5. Said it before-if caught these low life’s should be given to animal lovers to be dealt with because the law sure as fuck will not give these assholes what they deserve. Oh for the days of the vigilante when it comes to animal cruelty.


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