HomeAnimal RescueFrightened Coyote Rescued From Middle School Bathroom

Frightened Coyote Rescued From Middle School Bathroom

Riverside County, CA – Monday morning started a bit different for staff at Mission Middle School in Jurupa Valley. A misguided coyote found himself inside of the school and staff cornered him in a bathroom stall before calling Riverside County Animal Services for help.

When animal services officer Will Luna saw the coyote cowering behind the toilet he did his best to coax him out, acknowledging that the animal was scared.

Fortunately, all is well that ends well. The coyote was loaded into the animal services vehicle and transported to an area where he could be set free.

Officer Luna stated that it is getting more and more difficult to relocate displaced wild animals because there is so much development that encroaches into their natural habitat. But this young coyote got his second chance. As Officer Luna watched him run away, he said, “free as a bird,” adding “my job is done.”

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  1. I have read your article carefully and I agree with you very much. This has provided a great help for my thesis writing, and I will seriously improve it. However, I don’t know much about a certain place. Can you help me?

  2. Thank you for taking great care of the sweet animal, wish that all animals were treated with such respect like this coyote was given respect and love 💗, because he was scared 😰 and frightened and didn’t know where else to go, just glad this was a happy ending after all.

  3. I feel so sorry for coyotes. We have them roaming our neighborhood . They have no place to go, always looking for food, scared. We have invaded their homes, their natural environment! Building more and more houses . I think we owe them some type of sanctuary!

  4. There is way too much development going on – too many forests being torn down – Unfortunately this doesn’t surprise me and Incidents like this will continue as long as forests continue to be torn down. Developers need to stop tearing down forests.

  5. YAY rescued! So often we see the cruel side of humans to our fellow creatures this was refreshing. Thanks for sharing


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