HomeNational Animal NewsFour Dead, Hundreds Injured As Arena Stands Collapse During Bullfight

Four Dead, Hundreds Injured As Arena Stands Collapse During Bullfight

El Espinal, Colombia – On Sunday, June 26, at least four people were killed and hundreds injured when an arena stand collapsed during a bullfight in El Espinal, Colombia.

Video captured the moment that the stand buckled and fell forward during the event, plunging hundreds of people to the ground.


A statement from the Mayor’s Office of Espinal said they “deeply regret what happened in the bullring.”

President-elect Gustavo Petro Tweeted:

I hope that all the people affected by the collapse of the Plaza de El Espinal can come out of their wounds unscathed. This had already happened before in Sincelejo.

I ask the mayors not to authorize more shows with the death of people or animals.

The death toll may rise as emergency crews work to clear the rubble to access people trapped beneath the stands.

Hospitals in the area are said to be struggling to handle the huge influx of patients. More victims may be found as emergency responders work to clear away the rubble.

This is not a petition, but Animal Victory recently published a petition asking for cruel bullfighting events to be halted. Click here to learn more.

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  1. Karma. Absolutely NO sympathy and I hope they all suffer terribly. Hope the hospital staff refuse to treat them too

  2. I hope all arenas collapse, full with all those sick people who like to watch torture! BULLFIGHTING MUST END!

  3. I don’t give a good God damn for those bastards that were gathered to watch bulls being tormented and slaughtered – as far as I’m concerned, they got what they deserved. I’m only sorry more of them weren’t killed. Worthless human excrement.

  4. Devine retribution……….serves them all right for paying to watch such a cruel and disgusting thing! Pity the whole Ring did not collapse!


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