HomeNational Animal NewsForgotten Dog Deteriorating In Shelter After Spending Half His Life There

Forgotten Dog Deteriorating In Shelter After Spending Half His Life There

A young dog named Humphreys is losing hope after spending half of his life at an animal shelter.

Tustin, CA – A forgotten dog is deteriorating at a California animal shelter where he has spent half of his life. Humphreys is a young dog at just two years of age, but one year of his young life has been at the OC Animal Care Center.

Forgotten dog is deteriorating at shelter
Forgotten dog is deteriorating at shelter

A California rescue agency, which is too full to help Humphreys, is hopeful that someone out there can give the forgotten pup a chance. They write of the heartbreak his situation causes:

Rescue is hard, but one of the hardest things is watching a healthy, young, loving dog deteriorate in a shelter. 😢
Humphreys is 2 years young and has already spent OVER a year in the shelter. Yes, you read that correctly. This beautiful boy is full of love and life and is waiting for his forever home to find him. Please help us share this sweetie far and wide. He deserves the world and a home to call his own. 🙏🏼

There is no reason that Humphreys should be overlooked. His list of attributes is long and impressive. According to those who know him, he knows how to sit, lay down, and shake. He adores belly rubs, meeting new people, and going for a dip in a pool.

The rescue group trying to help Humphreys said, “This beautiful boy does well and likes pack walks, but would do best in a home where he’s the one and only. (And with a cute face like that, can you blame him?) Humphreys seems to be a dog that also feeds off energy, so someone with confidence and experience who can help build HIS confidence and show him the ways of the world would be a great match!”

This dog deserves to be in a home, with someone who loves him. He is losing all hope of being free from the confines of the animal shelter. Please help him find his way out by sharing his adoption information.

OC Animal Care
1630 Victory Road
Tustin, CA 92782
Pet ID: A1772023
Sex: N
Age: 2 Years
Weight: 60.00 lbs
Color: Blue Tiger White
Breed: Pit Bull Mix
Jurisdiction: Fullerton
Intake Date: 06/26/2022
Intake Jurisdiction: Fullerton
Kennel: 300

Note: All inquiries about this dog must be made directly to the shelter. Animal Victory is not the point of contact and has no affiliation with this dog, or this shelter facility. We share homeless pets in need of homes in order to reach more people and get them the help they need.

Continue reading: Hunter Mauled By Grizzly While Tracking A Deer

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  1. Come on California. Surely someone needs a good companion. Someone needs a dog to bring them happiness. Give this beautiful boy some love.

  2. Our last two dogs were rescues from animal control, both pit bulls, both incredibly loving, loyal, goofy sweet dogs.
    According to the American Temperament Test Society, Pit Bulls pass their temperament test-conducted by a trained handler-87% of the time. That ranks them as 4th best of 122 breeds tested, meaning they are one of the most affectionate and least aggressive dogs.
    Men kill more women ever day of the year than pit bulls hurt anyone.

    • I”ve rescued and lived with all kinds of dogs. Had packs of them for 40 years, usuaIIy 3-7 at a time. The “pit bulls” that I’ve had were actually a bit more tolerant than quite a few of the others. But they are powerful, so if pushed to the breaking point, that’s where the reputation comes from.

      When young, they’re (among severaI breeds that are) very “busy” and need lots of fun activities, so to those who just want to sit around on the couch all day, don’t get an active breed.

      I rescued one named Otis in 2002. He had not been abused, so that was a good start. He fit in with the pack right away, and in 2009 he saved me from being raped, and possibly from being murdered. It’s a long story, but in a nutshell, the offender who assaulted me didn’t know there was a formidable dog in the area.

      But Otis (the dog) seemed to know the moment I was attacked, and came running from out of nowhere. Otis was actuaIIy averse to biting, so he just got in between and pushed the guy away from me. Scared the guy out of his wits. Good thing Otis didn’t bite him, because with no other witnesses around, the criminal could have reported an “unprovoked pit bull attack.”

    • You may inquire at the pound. They usually have that info. I’ve seen excuses ranging from ‘he chews stuff,” to “we have a baby now, and don’t want the dog anymore.” Usually it’s people who get a cute little puppy and then don’t want to put up with the “teenage” shenanigans.

      A lot of people, especially those who get large active breeds, don’t know what they’re getting into, and expect a dog to just “be there” iike a tabIe. They’re not animated objects. They have feelings and needs, and require attention and activities.

  3. WRONG!!!! Not all are dangerous! It’s the A-HOLE who train them that way. We don’t kill molesters, the SOB who murdered at the Boston Marathon is languishing in jail and WE PAY for his food,his GD prayer rug so we need to kill all pit bulls?????? You are an idiot!!!

  4. Yes, it is terrible, but the dog is a pitbull. It should be destroyed immediately. Pitbulls are purpose-bred to kill, and every dog carrying those genes is unpredictable and potentially violent. The poor dog needs to be put down.

    • No he doesn’t, the one needing to be put down is the one who did this to him. No animal does this unless feeling threatened, human trained, human should suffer.

    • No, he doesn’t need to put down.
      Pits especially baby pits that are treated with respect love and kindness
      And trained properly do just fine.
      People that mistreat abuse verbally mentally and physically are the problem. Those dogs may not have a chance.

    • I’ve been a state humane officer, and a rescuer, and my experience with “pit bulls” (and that covers a wide variety of dogs) is that many peopIe treat them badly, and many others just don’t know how to interact with dogs. in case you don’t know it, GSDs, Goldens, Labradors, and many other breeds, including dachshunds, have mauled and killed people, although if we’re talking ratios here, the number of people mauled and killed by dogs is barely perceptible compared to the number of dogs tortured and killed by people.

      And we’re the ones who are supposed to know better. Over-all, we are the most crueI and predatory animaI on the planet. Time to get that mote out of our own eyes.

    • According to the American Temperament Test Society, Pit Bulls pass their temperament test-conducted by a trained handler-87% of the time. That ranks them as 4th best of 122 breeds tested, meaning they are one of the most affectionate and least aggressive dogs.

      Don’t judge a book by its cover. Don’t judge a dog by its breed.
      After conducting owner surveys for 18,385 dogs and sequencing the genomes of 2,155 dogs, a group of researchers reported a variety of findings in the journal Science, including that for predicting some dog behaviors, breed is essentially useless, and for most, not very good. For instance, one of the clearest findings in the massive, multifaceted study is that breed has no discernible effect on a dog’s reactions to something it finds new or strange.
      This behavior is related to what the nonscientist might call aggression and would seem to cast doubt on breed stereotypes of aggressive dogs, like pit bulls. One thing pit bulls did score high on was human sociability, no surprise to anyone who has seen internet videos of lap-loving pit bulls. Labrador retriever ancestry, on the other hand, didn’t seem to have any significant correlation with human sociability

    • I agreed your ass should be put down. What a stupid thing to say. Not all pits are bad, just like not all people are bad. Pits are sweet and gentle but they will protect their people. Profiling a breed, am not surprise, I’m sure u profile other as well. These poor animals are in this situation not because of them but because A- hole humans like u.

    • You are absolutely wrong. Your statement about the breed is scientifically wrong. .Dont you know that in years past pitfalls were the “babysitter dog” as portrayed on famous TV-programs with their kids playing. It is absolutely how they are trained.. Because pitfalls are so loyal, they will fight to protect their charges if that its what the owner TRAINS them to do…. The normal pitfall if treated like any dog should be is a total loving, delightful, fun and sweet dog aptly suited to live well with humans in a normal residents. We must stop all this prejudice and instead arrest the humans who put their dogs at risk and the states and biased individuals who have gone so far as to euthanize them because of their breed.. It is a misinformed, ignorant, cruel crime against all species to do and think like that.

    • There are no bad dogs, just bad people who mistreat, abuse and exploit them. Pit bull terriers are some of the smartest and most affectionate dogs. Besides, NO ANIMAL SHOULD BE KILLED unless perhaps suffering irremediably. To suggest otherwise only shows your ignorance and I hope you never are permitted to have any animal in your care.

    • Jmuhj you are a dumb ass and a animal bigot. Pit bulls are largely misunderstood because of irresponsible owners, sensationalist news stories, and the proliferation of myths. The stigma that marks pit bulls has contributed to their rise in U.S. shelters. One in four of all animals brought into shelters are pit bulls, and their average euthanasia rate is 93 percent. This breed needs love, not to be labeled as dangerous and banned.

    • Definitely not! I know of pit bulls that are affectionate and loving! They are muscular but so are French Bull dogs and I don’t hear of putting them down! Shame on you!Stereotypes!

    • You don’t know what you’re talking about! They said this about Doberman Pinchers, they said this about German Shepherds, they’ve said this about Alaskan Malamutes, Chow Chows, Dalmatians, Great Danes and more! Humans are the problem, not animals. There are no bad dogs, only bad humans! You’re way of problem solving is to kill? I rest my case!

    • You don’t know what you’re talking about! They said this about Doberman Pinchers, they said this about German Shepherds, they’ve said this about Alaskan Malamutes, Chow Chows, Dalmatians, Great Danes and more! Humans are the problem, not animals. There are no bad dogs, only bad humans! You’re way of problem solving is to kill? I rest my case!

    • You are absolutely ignorant. If you have nothing better to say, just don’t comment at all. You are only spreading your ignorance around.

    • They used to be called Nana dogs because they would watch over the children. It isn’t the dogs that are evil…it is the people who own and torture them. So, you are wrong and frankly, full of shit

    • Pitties are some of the best dogs! The behavior by few which is normally the result of human(s). If you’ve never owned one you have no idea what amazing companions they are and how loving !


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