HomeWildlifeFamily Of Man Killed While Photographing Moose And Calves Say He Died...

Family Of Man Killed While Photographing Moose And Calves Say He Died Doing What He Loved

Alaska – The family of a 70-year-old Alaska man, who died while photographing a moose and her calves, say he died doing what he loved. According to sources, Dale Chorman ventured out on his property last Sunday in search of a mother moose and her calves.

Chorman was with a friend, just a hundred yards from his home, when the mother charged at them through the brush. The men tried to run, but when the friend looked back, Chorman was on the ground, with the moose standing over his body.

By the time help arrived, the moose and her calves were gone, and Chorman had passed away. His body showed no signs of trauma. Chorman’s friend, Tom Kizzia, tells the AP:

“I think the medical examiner’s going to try to figure out exactly what happened, whether it was just single blow in the terrible wrong place or something.”

Chorman’s family does not blame the mother moose, who was protecting her calves, and they say Dale knew the risks he faced while photographing wildlife.

(Stock image of moose via pixabay)

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  1. i understand how photographing nature can be very rewarding but people come on. your dealing with a huge powerful animal who at all costs will protect her young even if there is no real threat. she doesn’t know how much you admire her. she is using survival instinct. if they don’t find any physical contact evidence i bet this guy had a heart attack. i can’t imagine that animal charging at me and not be scared.


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