HomeDogsFaithful Dog Refused To Leave Her Friend's Side After He Was Struck...

Faithful Dog Refused To Leave Her Friend’s Side After He Was Struck By A Car

St. Louis, MO – This week, a faithful dog showed her love and devotion to her canine friend after he was struck by a car, suffering catastrophic injuries. The heartbreaking situation was discovered by a member of Stray Rescue on Monday and a video of the distraught dog, dubbed Heart, was posted to social media.

The injured dog, dubbed Soul, was carefully loaded into a car and transported to a veterinarian for emergency care. But x-rays from the exam revealed an injury that Soul could not survive. The rescue group shared the devastating news and how they were letting his loyal friend say goodbye:

These two. 💔
We kindly sedated him immediately and took x-rays. We’re so sad to tell you his back is broken and it cannot be fixed. We named her Heart and we named him Soul. We’re going to give her the time she needs to say goodbye to her friend, as he is not in pain right now. This is true love.

And then the final update…

Heart fell asleep on Soul. We’re all grieving with her. We are going to get a little pendant to wear on her collar w some of his ashes so she can always carry him with her. To everyone who lost a dear friend or family member this year, we are so sorry. 💔

Rest in peace Soul.

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  1. I am so sad to see this heartbreaking rescue. When a dog breaks it’s back there is nothing that can be done ? 😢 I feel so sad for Heart. I am glad that Soul is no longer in pain I just wish it did not end the way it did

    • It broke my heart to read Heart and Souls story. I thought if a dog broke their back they could have wheels for their legs that didn’t work, unless his front legs didn’t work either. RIP beautiful Soul 🙏 I’m so sorry beautiful Heart that you lost your best friend 😢💔

  2. Isn’t the loyalty and love between these two dogs beautiful. And people have such a negative stereotype about pit bulls and pit looking dogs. They are VERY loving and VERY sensitive. God bless Heart and Soul.

    • Such loyalty between Heart and Soul. It broke my heart to read their story. You’re so right about Pitbulls and pit looking dogs being very loving and sensitive. Dogs love us unconditionally, humans should be the same way to them. RIP Soul, im so sorry for your loss Heart 😢

  3. Soul got love in his last few hours and he was able to cross the bridge pain free.
    Prayers for Heart to get a loving family and home🙏🙏❣️❣️

  4. Such a lucky dog to have such a good friend and I feel so sad for the Heart who is left behind. Such a beautiful dog Soul is and what a great place to understand that they needed to be together and let Heart say goodbye. I hope she will find a new home soon along with a new friend. So many do not understand that animals have feelings and mourn those they love when they die.


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