HomeNational Animal NewsEntire Pack Of Wolves Poisoned To Death In Oregon - Police Search...

Entire Pack Of Wolves Poisoned To Death In Oregon – Police Search For Whoever Is Responsible

Authorities in Oregon are hoping that a member of the public will help lead them to whoever is responsible for killing an entire wolf pack in eastern Oregon earlier this year. Last week, the Oregon State Police issued a release about their attempts to find whoever killed the Catherine Wolf Pack via poisoning.

The release recounts the details of the initial finding:

On February 9, 2021, Oregon State Police Fish and Wildlife Division Troopers received information from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) regarding a possibly deceased, collared wolf. Troopers responded to the area and located five deceased wolves, three males, and two females. It was later determined the wolves were from the Catherine Pack, with all known members present and deceased. The wolves were located southeast of Mount Harris, within Union County. Fish and Wildlife Troopers and ODFW personnel with the assistance of a helicopter searched the area for anything of evidentiary value. An additional deceased magpie was also found in the vicinity of the deceased wolves.

In March, another deceased female wolf was found thanks to a mortality signal coming from a collar that the wolf was wearing. In the area, wildlife officials also located a deceased magpie and skunk.

The deceased animals underwent a necropsy which revealed poisoning as the cause of death. Troopers searched the area and discovered evidence of “suspected poisoning” that was revealed as the snow melted.

In April 2021, a deceased adult male wolf from the Five Points Pack was located west of Elgin and in July 2021, a young female wolf from the Clark Creek Pack was located northeast of La Grande. In both cases the cause of death was not readily apparent, a necropsy and testing were conducted. Toxicology reports confirmed the presence of differing types of poison in both wolves. Based upon the type of poison and locations, it was determined the death of the young female wolf may be related to the earlier six poisonings.

Oregon State Police Fish and Wildlife Troopers is asking any person with information related to this investigation to contact the Oregon State Police through the OSP TIP Hotline: 1-800-452-7888 or *OSP (677) or TIP E-Mail: TIP@state.or.us. Please reference Case #SP21-033033.

Marc Cooke, president of Wolves of the Rockies, commented on the tragic deaths:

“We were heartbroken to hear of these horrific and inhumane killings, and condemn in the strongest terms this atrocity. But this slaughter did not occur in a vacuum. We hope to see those responsible for the illegal killings brought to justice. To further this aim Wolves of the Rockies, Trap Free Montana, and The 06 Legacy Project are increasing the award by an additional $10,000. Lastly, we urge the federal government to take action to protect the species by restoring wolves to the Endangered Species List.”

As reported by KTVZ News, a reward fund from several agencies has grown to $36,000.

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  1. What the heck is wrong with people? And why is a wolf always te one to blame, for whatever? Its deepdeep deep inside a religious thing..

  2. Probably sheep rancher(s), maybe cattle. Ranchers kill bald eagles and other raptors too. That’s who I would be investigating first. Look at the tracking data of the wolves and it will cross paths with ranch property sooner or later. .

    • I Agree with the previous statements it’s either Cattle or Sheep Ranchers these groups are always responsible for killing our Majestic wildlife . They including there family members and there employees only care about there themselves and there MONEY. The other problem is they own the politicians and the some of the wildlife agencies that are suppose to protect our wildlife.

  3. Evil people to do such a terrible terrible act. These animals want to live in peace as we all do. All life is subjected to the evil beings. They need to be locked away wherever they are found.

  4. Hold the despicable federal government responsible also. those dummies dumped the ENDANGERED SPECIES LIST. I WOULDNT BE SHOCKED IF cattle ranchers poisoned all these wolves, they hate the wolf population because grazing cattle is more important to them than a pack of wolves. they live off the slaughtering of animals for food which is highly profitable for them. wolves dont bring them an income so why care about them.

  5. When somebody finds out who planted the poisons in the area where the wolves were in that area, please report to Police Dept. or Animal Control or AnimalVictory.org & give the name/s of the wolves’ killer/s as soon as possible. We’ll be appreciated that much more than anybody expects as we always need to see that we protect the wolves as much as possible. May our Heavenly Father help somebody who may know the killer/s planted the poison will report to the Police Dept. or Animal Control or AnimalVictory.org & curse whoever planted the poison in the area of the wolves live. in the Name of Jesus Christ, amen.

  6. Utterly reprehensible. When they find the monster who did this, hope it’s not just a slap on the wrist. But here’s the thing – what do you expect will happen when states allow out of control hate and hunting of wolves? Sick people start to think THEY can kill them too, by any means. Same thing happens with geese. The gov. killers promote hate and round them up and kill them (because they make money from this) so the public gets the idea that they are not wanted and then some creep runs a family of geese over with his car.
    I’ll take animals over people ANY day.


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