HomeAnimal RescueElderly Dog Surrendered At Airport Because She Did Not Fit In Travel...

Elderly Dog Surrendered At Airport Because She Did Not Fit In Travel Crate

Charlotte, NC – Earlier this month, an elderly dog was surrendered by her owner at a North Carolina airport because she did not fit in her travel crate. On January 3, a plea for help was posted to social media:

According to the FurBabies Animal Rescue, the 14-year-old beagle was transferred to their care thanks to an airline employee at the Charlotte Douglas International Airport who stepped in to help.

The situation surrounding the senior dog’s plight is clarified by WSOCTV News. According to the news agency, the dog’s former owner could not fit the travel crate on the plane, and she did not have the money to pay the fees for cargo-transport. The woman, who has not been publicly identified, said that she would not have surrendered her dog unless she knew that the pup was in good hands:

“I wouldn’t have gone on the plane. I would’ve been homeless. I would’ve stayed on the streets of North Carolina with my dog.”

According to the rescue group, the dog, dubbed Baby Girl, has been placed in a foster home and enough funds have been raised for her veterinary care. The group said:

Enough funds needed for Baby Girls vet care have been received. Any additional funds will be tax deductible donations to FurBabies and used to help other dogs like Baby girl.

(Images via FurBabies Facebook page)




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  1. Thank you to Fur Babies Rescue AND airline Employee who contacted them — YOU ARE THE BEST — thank you for raising the funds to help pay for Doggie’s needs and wants — I am sure he will land with loving People.

  2. Don’t cry wolf later on when you already know what you need to do to safeguard your so called beloved pet. Lying bitch! Most likely one of Newark NJ’s finest repeat offenders!

  3. I flew a lot with my cat and would NEVER have left her in a strange airport. And what good hands did she leave the dog in? I would miss my flight and if I had to, go back to town to buy a carrier. But I’m pretty sure the airlines have those cardboard carriers for just such an incident.

  4. Woulda, coulda, shoulda. Rich or poor, young or old, there is no excuse good enough to justify abandoning your family.

  5. The owner who left the dog at the airport is full of BS, if you truly love your animals you go above and beyond to make sure they come first.

  6. The owner never measured or put the dog in the crate BEFORE going to airport? Couldnt the owner buy a new crate or rent one at the airport for the dog? Im apalled at all the reasons people abandon animals when they have money for a plane ticket but not their dog or a crate?

    • This woman may not have unlimited funds like the rest of you, the crate may have been donated and this was the first time she saw it. She may not have been able to afford to rent a crate. She said she would have been homeless. I would have tried to get my dog sent to me as soon as I got back home and was able to borrow the money from friends if she was going home that is and knew people. It also doesn’t say if the woman was elderly would you like it if she and the dog died from freezing on the street? She thought the dog was in safe hands. Think before you bark!

      • Her excuse was a crock and you know it. She can afford a plane tkt but claims that a cargo fee would lead to her being homeless. None of what she said makes sense. She jumped on a way to dump an elderly dog on kind-hearted strangers. Karma is waiting for this soulless women when she is old and alone.

  7. the owner is full of shit. that will be the day when i leave my dog at an airport alone and go home. you find a solution you just don’t hand her off like a piece of luggage. she actually took better care of her luggage.


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