HomeAnimal RescueDozens Of Dogs and Five Cats Rescued From Horrible Breeding Operation

Dozens Of Dogs and Five Cats Rescued From Horrible Breeding Operation

Macon County, TN – Last week, dozens of dogs and five cats were rescued from a horrible breeding operation in Macon County. According to Animal Rescue Corps (ARC), the animals were living in severe neglect, the agency said:

Many dogs inside the indoor spaces are packed in small cages, unable to stand, turn around, or spread their limbs freely. The animals have been used and bred for profit with no regard for their needs. They suffer from multiple cases of cherry eye, mammary tumors, granulomas on paws and legs from pressure sores, and other painful conditions consistent with unsanitary housing, neglect, and inadequate veterinary care.

The organization noted that the animals were used for profit, with no regard for their health or well-being. The group writes:

They suffer from multiple cases of cherry eye, mammary tumors, granulomas on paws and legs from pressure sores, and other painful conditions consistent with unsanitary housing, neglect, and inadequate veterinary care. Many are terrified to step outside their cages.

As reported by the Macon County Chronicle, Amanda Smalling Fox and Scott W. Fox were charged with 10 counts of cruelty to animals; they are scheduled to appear in court on April 5.

Donations for the seized animals can be made to ARC here.

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  1. lock these 2 pieces of garbage up and forget they are there. let them starve and wallow in their own filth. let them also feel the loneliness and pain these animals endured.

  2. These two need jail time. For this terrible state they kept there animals. Disgusting monsters. Hell and Karma is waiting for you.

  3. These two deserve one another- both assholes. Hopefully in Macon County the legal punishment for animal cruelty reflects the seriousness of it These two deserve years behind bars for this and perhaps an unfortunate accident will take the shape of Karma while in jail.

    • I pray that your comment happens against these two vile and evil lowlife psycho monsters happens. And hopefully the two vile and evil psychopathic monster lowlife bastards are tortured to death.
      My heart aches for the precious and innocent dogs and cats that these two monster bastards from hell tortured. Die in excruciating agony you two lowlife monster bastards.


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