HomeAnimal RescueDog Survives Being Beaten, Legs Bound, And Thrown In Trash

Dog Survives Being Beaten, Legs Bound, And Thrown In Trash

Charlotte, NC – A dog is alive and receiving care after someone subjected him to abhorrent cruelty. A good Samaritan found the dog, dubbed Joey, in a dumpster in Charlotte – his legs were bound behind him and he was left to die.

According to Forgotten, Now Family Rescue, Joey had also been beaten, leaving him with “countless fractures.” The rescue agency says that Joey has been abused for a long time, writing:

The heart breaking news is these fractures are all over his body and in various healing stages. This abuse was not just once. It was repeated his entire life. Joey has holes in his head Not from bite wounds but from jagged edges or debris on what was used to hit him. The blows to His skull were with such force he is blind in one eye.

Despite the abuse, Joey has maintained a sweet and forgiving nature. The agency writes:

I have saved a lot of dogs but never have I met such a thankful dog. I sat with Joey at the hospital. He cried in pain but always followed it with licking my hand. I couldn’t grasp how how he has been so horrifically failed yet still loves anyway. Every single day those of us fortunate to know him personally are in awe.

The rescue organization knows that someone out there KNOWS this dog and/or who did this to him and they are offering a $2,000 reward for the information that will lead the authorities to an arrest. If you know something, please email the rescue group at: Forgottennowfamily@gmail.com

Find the rescue agency’s Facebook link here.

Continue reading: Cat Tattooed By Inmates In Mexican Prison

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  1. That reward for information should be higher by now as more people learn of this atrocity. With enough money someone will come forward to identify the scum. I’d love to tie that bastard to the back of my Harley and drag him with HIS feet tied over a long gravel road then stop and see what’s left…that’s how justice should be served. Let us know when the scum is caught.

  2. Why is the life of a human this worthless held to a higher level than the dug?

    Burning building, I’d save the dog then cradle and cuddle em as the house burned to ashes.

  3. This so-called human being is perfectly capable of beating his family – and probably does – so finding him is URGENT.

    If he goes to prison – please God he does – I would like to ensure that other prisoners know what he has done. There WILL be some animal lovers among the inmates, and hopefully, they will give him the punishment he actually deserves.

  4. I advocate for BSL worldwide, as pitbulls are unpredictable, generationally purpose-bred to KILL and every one that carries these genes is a potential killer. That said, I also advocate for capital punishment for anyone wilfully harming an innocent living being. May the devil that did this be found and prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and dealt with by someone with nothing to lose.

    • You are sadly mistaken and very uninformed about pit bulls. Hopefully you will never be allowed to make any laws or important decisions about these dogs!

    • Jmuhj. You are a real lowlife arsehole. Pitbulls are a precious and innocent animal (sentient Being) So shut your bloody mouth.You don’t know anything about these precious Pitbulls.They are a trusting and loving Dog.

    • We know from direct evidence this is false. Denver instituted one of the most draconian BSL in the nation. Yet their bite rate did not improve. Nearby Boulder, who didn’t have BSL, had an improved bite incident rate. They concentrated on prevention, and not on how a dog looks. I have researched this for years. BSL is based on media fueled hysteria, and has its origins in racism. Nearly every organization that that has anything to do with animal welfare opposes BSL. Do some actual research.

    • That is absolutely false. I agree with you as to what should be done to the person tortured this poor boy over and over again, you do not know crap about the breed. They are considered one of the most kind and gentle breeds. I agree with another individual on this post. I pray to God you are never in a position to make any laws much less animal welfare laws. Walk away from MSM propaganda and start doing some research including visiting animal shelters. People like you spread the hype about Pitt Bull breeds & put them in danger

  5. I hope this person rotts in hell but not after suffering the same horrid treatment times 2 that was placed on this precious animal . God bless this little guy

  6. People who do this to animals do not deserve to live on this earth. We euthanize healthy animals for no good reason, we should be able to euthanize rotten human beings.

    • YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let’s take away the power of these abusive sick MF’s and give it back to these poor, defenseless, precious babies.

  7. Poor precious Joey, thank God he was rescued in time…..PLEASE FIND THE EVIL DEVIL WHO DID THIS TO HIM AND HANG THAT SICK BASTARD BY HIS BALLS!!! The monster responsible for this cruel torture must pay!!!!!

    • The vile and evil lowlife f—— psychopathic monster human bastard who deliberately and heinously tortured precious and innocent Joey must be caught and sentenced to death.
      Eradication from our planet of this monster bastard must be immediately. Catch the vile and evil lowlife monster bastard and torture the vile and evil lowlife psycho monsters to death. Let all the animal loving humans torture this vile and evil monster to death. Then
      this vile and evil lowlife pos bastard would know what precious and innocent Joey endured.
      All animal torturers and animal murderers must be all sentenced to death.Kill them all.
      This must be introduced into the Animal Protection Laws.
      My heart aches for precious Joey and I pray Joey has a long and happy life with his new beloved animal family. bless you Joey.


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