HomeDogsDog Reunited With Family Who Was Forced To Give Him Up When...

Dog Reunited With Family Who Was Forced To Give Him Up When They Lost Their Home

Sacramento, CA – Last week, the staff at the Front Street Animal Shelter was able to capture a beautiful reunion between a dog and his person. The dog, Thor, had been given up months ago when his family lost their home.

The animal welfare agency explained the heartbreaking situation that brought Thor to their facility:

Denise faced an incredibly hard situation when her family lost their housing, and she had no option but to surrender their beloved dog. She spent months trying to find a safe and stable home and would check often to see if Thor had found a new family during that time.

During Thor’s stay at the shelter, he was adopted, and then returned twice because the homes were not the right fit. As luck would have it, he had just been returned the second time when his original family’s fate changed for the better.

The shelter explains:

With lots of perseverance and luck on her side, Denise and her family secured housing after months of uncertainty – and just days after Thor was returned for the second time. When Denise checked our website and saw Thor was back, she rushed in to get him.

The moment that Denise and Thor see each other for the first time in months was captured on video, and it is beautiful. Thor immediately rushed to Denise’s arms with a happily wagging tail.

The shelter said, “We couldn’t be happier than to see him head home to his family.” And it was apparent that Thor was thrilled to be going home too.

Sometimes things work out exactly the way they are supposed to. Welcome home Thor!

Find the Front Street Animal Shelter on Facebook here.

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  1. What an awesome story. So happy for Denise and Thor as I can’t imagine how hard it was for her to make that decision. I’m sure he didn’t work out for the others as he just wanted his own human back.


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