HomeDogsDog Died After Ingesting Sparkler Ash From Fourth Of July Festivities

Dog Died After Ingesting Sparkler Ash From Fourth Of July Festivities

Fourth of July festivities are fun for most Americans, but they can be terrifying, and sometimes deadly, for animals. While most people are aware that the loud booms from fireworks are stressful to dogs, they may not be aware of the danger that firework remnants pose to animals.

One man’s heartbreaking story about the death of his dog, Zoe, went viral on social media in 2019 and it is a story worth repeating if it means saving even one dog’s life. Zoe’s owner, James Copp, lost his beloved pug after she ingested ash from sparklers and he shared what happened in a post on Facebook.

Copp explained that toxic chemicals in the sparkler ash wreaked havoc on Zoe’s body and stole her young life.

Copp wrote:

They told us there’s a chemical that was causing it And they tried to pump her stomach but the poison was to much and she died at 2:50 today. Word to the warning. Don’t let you animals ingest burnt or unburnt fire works. It’s really poisons to animals and there are absolutely no warnings on the box about it. The vets even looked it up to see if there was warning on the box. she was only a year and a half old. We will never forget you and we miss you R.i.P Zoe.

Addressing the people who accused him of being “careless or reckless,”

Copp kindly shared the devastating impact the firework chemicals can have on a dog’s body:

Fireworks contain hazardous chemicals such as potassium nitrate, which is an oxidizing agent. They can also contain charcoal or sulfur and coloring agents, which are potentially dangerous heavy metals. When ingested, pets can develop gastrointestinal issues like vomiting, a painful abdomen, and bloody diarrhea. The severity of pet health issues resulting from ingestion will depend on the type of fireworks and the amount that was ingested. Pets ingesting large amounts can suffer tremors or seizures, along with acute kidney failure, bone marrow changes, shallow breathing and jaundice, which is yellowing of the skin.

On this holiday weekend, please be mindful of the stress and anxiety that your pets may be experiencing and take care to keep them secure and safe. Ensure that your pets are wearing ID tags in case they happen to somehow escape from home, and do your best to create white noise (fans, soothing music, television) to help block out the terrifying sounds that accompany our nation’s independence celebrations. If your pet is microchipped, ensure that contact information is up-to-date.

And last, but not least, if fireworks have been let off around your home, please clean up the remnants to the best of your ability to help keep pets (and other animals) safe.



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  1. U should have known. Protect your animal at all cost. If u had kept the dog inside as u are supposed to, the poor pup would be alive today so yes it is the owner’s fault what happened to the dog.

  2. I hate fireworks with a passion because of my dogs, not only dogs but wildlife, veterans and children with anxiety or other health issues. It’s absolutely horrible what happened to this poor little innocent puppy. Humans are the most uncaring and cruel species on earth!

  3. Ok you never had a sparkler when you were a kid? It’s not like they were setting off high explosives. I am very protective of my dogs and even l would not have even thought about the ash from a sparkler. Fireworks are illegal in NJ but sparklers l would not even think of them as fireworks. Thank you for posting this… hopefully it will save another dogs life. I’m sorry for your loss.


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