HomeDogsDog Blamed For Killing Hunter In Tragic Accident

Dog Blamed For Killing Hunter In Tragic Accident

Geuda Springs, KS – A hunter in Geuda Springs died on Saturday morning and a dog is being blamed. According to the Sumner County Sheriff’s Office, the man was in the front seat of a truck when a dog in the backseat stepped on a loaded rifle, causing the gun to discharge and strike the man’s back.

“A canine belonging to the owner of the pickup stepped on the rifle causing the weapon to discharge,” the sheriff’s office said. “The fired round struck the passenger who died of his injuries on scene.”

The man’s identity has not been released. Some reports indicate that he was 32 years of age. No information has been released about the dog.

While unusual, people being “shot” by a dog has happened before. In 2015, a woman named Allie Carter was shot in the foot when her dog stepped on the trigger of a loaded shotgun that was on the ground. And in November 2022, 32-year-old Ozgur Gevrekoglu suffered fatal injuries when his dog stepped on a loaded shotgun, causing the firearm to discharge into the man “at close range.”

(Stock images via PIxabay)

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  1. I hope the Dog is with a loving family — clearly, the fault is NOT the Dog’s — the intelligent Adult-Human-Hunter should’ve known better — the Dog did NOT kill the Hunter — the Hunter killed the Hunter — who’s responsible for leaving about guns & ammos so that Children & Animals can unintentionally, unwittingly step on trigger? — the blame belongs on the Hunter — NOT the Dog.

  2. Sounds to me like the irresponsible truck owner is guilty of involuntary manslaughter, for leaving the gun loaded during transport.

  3. I truly hope “no information re the dog” does not mean it was euthanized or dumped at a shelter for what was clearly not its fault

    • Yes Paige that was my main concern too. I want to know that the INNOCENT dog is in a better home now, hopefully one filled with love and totally WITHOUT HUNTERS.

  4. Not only is it NOT the dog’s fault (it’s the idiot owner’s for being so careless with a weapon, and imagine all the other stupid and/or illegal things that guy did.) – but frankly, one less hunter in the world, the dog should get a medal.

  5. A “hunter” dumb enough to leave a loaded gun loose like that? I don’t see where they’re blaming the poor dog though, and I hope he/she is in a good place now.

  6. What kind of idiot leaves a loaded gun in the back seat with a dog? A big one I guess. Yet another example of the stupidity of some humans. The dog did not step on the gun on purpose to shoot the man. It seems this gun owner is not the only fool though. Too often I have said that human intelligence is an oxymoron and here we have at least one example. One has to wonder if this hunter learned anything from this. One less hunter killing animals though.

  7. Not the dog’s fault. Carelessness of the dog and gun owner. Gun safety. Never blame a dog for something like this. Poor dog lost his owner.

  8. Blame the gun owner. You NEVER leave a loaded weapon lying around, on the ground, on a car seat. What was he thinking? How can the dog be blamed? That’s the most ridiculously pathetic excuse I’ve ever come across. Look up gun safety, what that man did was crass and he caused his own demise.

    • The guy shouldn’t have left the loaded gun on the seat for the dog to step on the dog didn’t shoot the guy on purpose. Don’t be stupid.

      • Totally agree Judy. The gun should not have been loaded, nor should the safety have been off. Absolute twit for doing so. Having said that, I am still somewhat dubious about believing that story, I feel something much more dark and sinister has taken place and the poor dog is getting the blame.


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