HomeAnimal RescueDeputies Save Exhausted Dogs Who Were Stuck In A Swimming Pool

Deputies Save Exhausted Dogs Who Were Stuck In A Swimming Pool

On August 24, deputies in Douglas County, Georgia, saved two exhausted dogs who were stuck in a swimming pool. The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office shared video of the rescue effort with Facebook followers on September 3, along with an explanation of what happened.

The law enforcement agency writes:

Sometimes to protect and serve requires going the extra mile. That’s just what Deputies Michael Aziz and Elias Johnson did on August 24th. They responded to a dog case at approximately 7:40 p.m. where they found 2 dogs treading water in a pool. The dogs could not get out and looked exhausted.

The deputies did not think the exhausted dogs would be able to make it long enough for animal control officers to arrive, so they took matters into their own hands.

The agency explains how the deputies improvised:

Dep. Aziz used a blanket to pull the first dog out of the pool and saved the second dog by pulling it out by the collar. Thanks to Deputies Aziz and Johnson these beautiful Huskies will be just fine.

It is unclear if the dogs that fell into the pool live at the residence, or if they wandered in and got stuck. But the dogs are safe thanks to the quick thinking of Deputies Aziz and Johnson.

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  1. If the pups were left the humans/ owners should not get them back that is just not the right thing to do take your pets to a shelter if you can’t take them with you

  2. No the deputies don’t deserve a damn medal. Geez, It’s common sense to go grab two dogs out of a pool treading water, it’s common sense to save animals! A lot of people would’ve saved these dogs and not look for credit. I’m curious to know who saw the dogs first before calling police and did not bother to help them?

  3. Poor dogs , they aren’t stupid they don’t just jump in , someone push them in there horrible!!! People are crazy disgusting house.

  4. God Bless those 2 Deputies who rescued those 2 Huskies. They deserve recognition for saving their lives. Thank You Both! Youse are True Heroes!!

  5. someone lives there??? what they don’t wonder where their dogs are? Where they left there to drown?? How did you find out about them did someone see them struggling? If so why didn’t they do something??? Something is not right about this whole things. Again did the dogs have collars on them and where they micro chipped??? That is who you need to be talking too!

  6. Deputies Aziz and Johnson you are heroes!!!! and hey people if you cant keep your pets safe…please just don’t!!! endless suffering for animals due to ignorant humans… not enough angels to combat the monsters!

  7. Why were dogs left alone by an unsafe pool with no steps that would have allowed them to walk out? Were they deliberately put there?

    • If you look at the yard, it’s not kept up.
      That area was hit by Ida weather. That’s a possibility of what happened.
      Maybe the house is abandoned.

      Maybe the dogs were thirsty and trying to get water to drink, they fell in?
      Humans fall in, ALL the time.
      Dogs can also.
      The good thing….both dogs were saved.

      • Ida did not hit our city. Not sure why the dogs are in that pool. But that property does not look like that because of Ida..

  8. Good for those deputies!!! They deserve a medal or upgrade because most people wouldn’t care about those dogs but they did- again CONGRATS to those wonderful members of law enforcement and I wish others would follow suit instead of abusing and just shooting an animal because they feel that’s not their main job! BS! It is to help, serve and protect anything living. MY BEST TO THOSE WONDERFFUL OFFICERS!


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