HomeAnimal RescueCritically Ill Orphaned Mountain Lion Cub Rescued From Santa Cruz Resident's Property

Critically Ill Orphaned Mountain Lion Cub Rescued From Santa Cruz Resident’s Property

Santa Cruz, CA – On December 19, an orphaned lion cub was discovered on a Santa Cruz resident’s property. According to the Oakland Zoo, the cub was “critically ill” and had to be rushed to their veterinary hospital for care.

After the cub’s arrival, the zoo relayed information about her condition to concerned Facebook followers, writing:

Dr. Herman and her staff examined the cub. She is estimated to be 3-4 months old and critically ill. We treated her with fluids, vitamins, anti-nausea medication, and anti-parasitics. Our vet staff named her “Holly” in honor of the holidays. We prepared a toasty warm room for her in the hospital ward, where she spent the night.


From being orphaned in the near-freezing weather, she is still hypothermic despite her new warm environment.

Two days after Holly’s arrival, the zoo provided an optimistic update about her condition:

Holly CUBdate: we are happy to report that the rescued orphaned mountain lion brought to us Monday evening by California Department of Fish and Wildlife continues to improve. She is much feistier, and has also started eating for us!
Our vet staff remains cautiously optimistic that Holly’s health will keep getting better, but she is still under intensive care treatment and is not out of the woods by any means.

You can continue to follow Holly’s progress at this link to the Oakland Zoo’s Facebook page.

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