HomeCatsCats And Dogs Dying From H5N1 Bird Flu

Cats And Dogs Dying From H5N1 Bird Flu

The deadly H5N1 bird flu has claimed the lives of domestic cats and dogs. According to a news release from Canada’s Food Inspection Agency, a dog recently died after “chewing on a wild goose.” The dog died not long after developing clinical signs of the deadly virus. A necropsy on the dog confirmed that H5N1 was the canine’s cause of death.

And in the United States, three domestic cats have tested positive for bird flu. As reported by BNO News, the cat cases happened in Nebraska and Wyoming and officials believe the cats were infected after eating wild birds. All of the cats who contracted the virus died.

Dr. Sarah Sillman, from the University of Nebraska’s Veterinary Diagnostic Center, said that two domestic cats died in January after contracting the virus. Dr. Sillman suggests keeping cats indoors to keep them safe:

Keeping cats indoors to prevent wild bird contact – particularly given the context of the current HPAI outbreak – and avoiding feeding uncooked poultry are recommendations to minimize risk of H5N1 infection.”

Dr. Sylvie Briand, a WHO official, said:

“The global H5N1 situation is worrying given the wide spread of the virus in birds around the world and the increasing reports of cases in mammals, including in humans.”

Continue reading: Young German Shepherd Scheduled For Euthanasia April 12 Because Shelter Is Full

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  1. What a bunch of loonies and their conspiracy theories on here lol. Here’s hoping something a million times more deadly than Covid takes out all the idiots and their bullshit theories littering this planet. Good riddance.

  2. BS! Bird flu is diagnosed with the same fake PCR test they used to fake the Covid Scamdemic. It’s just a flu. DOD is behind all these kill jabs. They are killing all the animals over this Scamdemic of Bird Flu. They will kill the whole chicken coop with one positive PCR test. All the tests are a scam, they want to cull all the animals and Cull the humans. Wake up!

    • Great Post! People like Tony up above like to pretend the world is working at a normal pace when in fact it is imploding from the inside out. I don’t know if these people are naive, scared or just plain stupid. All the Fauci followers refuse to see how MENTAL this guy is. He believes he is a god. Why did he use 650 million taxpayer dollars to fund a lab in the middle of nowhere in China. Come on, you can do it Tony. So they can do their sick experiments unsupervised and unregulated and such we have the Covid disaster. No accountability and let’s watch in a few more years what problems our vaccines will bring. we are just seeing the start of the problems but all the assholes in the mainstream media won’t mention anything about it. They don’t want to upset their masters in the CCP. What a real mess we are in and unfortunately the animals are along for the ride!

  3. This is terrible. Especially, since people (inc. myself) let their dogs, and cats, out in the backyard, not watching what they’re doing, and what they’re getting into.

  4. I would not be surprised if Fauci is behind this bird flu. He has been behind every other diseases out there.

      • No Mental is when you refuse to listen to anyone or anything other than MSM. Mental is when you are too freaking lazy to do the research to find the truth. Mental is believing everything the government tells you. Mental is keeping your head buried in the sand because you cannot handle the truth.


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