HomeCatsCat Surrendered To Shelter Because He Was 'Too Obese' For His Family

Cat Surrendered To Shelter Because He Was ‘Too Obese’ For His Family

Chicago, IL – A four-year-old cat named Max was surrendered to an animal shelter in Chicago because he was “too obese” for his former family to handle. According to the Anti-Cruelty Society, Max was “severely matted” when he arrived and he needs a new owner who will help him shed his excess weight.

The animal welfare agency describes Max’s personality, writing:

He enjoys napping in kitty beds, basking in the sun, and playing with string toys. Max has lived with other cats in the past and does well with feline friends. He likes to do his own thing most of the time and prefers attention on his own terms. Max likes to show affection by gently rubbing up against your legs.

Because of Max’s size, his new owner will need to lend him a hand with grooming and ensure that he is provided with a healthy diet to help those unwanted pounds go away.

Fat cats may be adorable, but carrying too much weight can cause serious health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Cats who are overweight can also suffer from joint problems and even cancer.

Interested in learning more about Max? You can find his adoption profile at this link.

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  1. how much do you want to bet, his “family” probably gave him crap dry food, (which is known to cause weight gain with cats), or just gave him table scraps. nice example these people set for their children if they have any. an animal becomes a slight inconvenience??, just dump them and get a new model.

  2. Somehow, I bet the ‘family’ are not weight watchers!!!
    It is their fault. They cannot have loved this precious little one. They should not replace him with another animal, which they probably have. They don’t know what ‘responsibility- means.

  3. He’s a beautiful kitty, but his health is obviously in danger. We have a dog who was fat when we rescued him and is still fat now even though he’s fed less than another dog his size who is thin. He gets plenty of exercise too. He’s not as big as the cat here, but he is obese. If the people loved Max enough they would have kept him and dealt with his problem. So it’s best that he goes to a new home where they’ll actually love him enough and do their best to get some pounds off him. Some animals are just chronically obese though, so their lives are shortened. Those shorter lives should be filled with love, same as for anyone else.

  4. It is the fault of the simple ex-owners and NOT the cat!
    How stupid can you be to blame that animal for that and then just get rid of it!
    That kind of trash never loved MAX!
    Would they do the same to their childeren when they get too fat?

  5. My cat became over Weight after she was spayed so now she is on a diet With special food I make her play an exercise that’s what they should’ve done instead of dumping this for a baby.

  6. Max kitty is a handsome kitty!! Max just needs adoption by kind smart new owner that loves him and – some diet kitty food for cats that needs to lose weight!! I hope Max is adopted by a smart kind person that wants to help him get to a healthy weight again!

  7. People need to understand that they are making a big obligation when they decide to adopt which includes taking proper care of them & not throw them away like trash when the going gets tough & hope this poor baby gets a much deserved Furrever loving home like he so deserves & gets the proper care he deserves & did nothing wrong to deserve this?!!!

  8. Max is adorable, he didn’t get that way on his own. Hopefully a new family will address his needs properly and he’ll get to a healthy weight and be loved!!

  9. Hopefully his new family will be a little ,more disciplined in keeping him to a strict, vet approved diet and not give in when he bugs them for more as he surely will ( speaking from personal experience). but tough love is necessary here as difficult as it is to do. Max will be the better for it in the long run and better off away from his recklessly indulgent former owners.

  10. So they participated in their cat gaining weight then dumped him when he got to big? How cruel is that? I don’t get rid of my family members because I did something negative to them! Sick people. Hopefully someone else will care enough to do the RIGHT thing and care for his overall well-being and treat him like FAMILY.

  11. And how did these idiots think Max got so fat? Such cruel stupidity is appalling. Now Max will be able to slim down and have the healthy and comfortable life he deserves.

  12. Max will be much better off with a new family who can help him get to a healthy weight. I hope Max’s prior family does not adopt any other animals nor have any still at home. I would be very concerned with their welfare if there are.

    • This cat looks like mine. It’s not that simple. My cat started gaining weight, was put on reduced diet and git so sick, almost smdied, it’s 2 years later, hes on meds, fir horrific constipation and cisapride fir motility. He’s just maintaining,, but arthritis in legs, got 1 stinking pound off him, was told no megacilon, now coukd be. These animal abusers surrender him cause, he was properly having health issues, money money money. They will get a new kitten, and that poor cat is stuck in a shelter. This country sucks.

  13. poor cat didn’t get this way on his own. best thing they could have done was surrender him. now hopefully he will be with a family who can properly care for him.


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