HomeAnimal CrueltyCat-Killing Transgender Obsessed With Harm And Death, Sentenced To Life For Man's...

Cat-Killing Transgender Obsessed With Harm And Death, Sentenced To Life For Man’s Murder

Thames Valley, Oxford – Scarlet Blake, a cat-killing transgender, obsessed with “harm and death,” has been sentenced to life in prison for murdering a man. According to the Thames Valley Police, the 26-year-old has been sentenced to life with a minimum term of 23 years and 169 days for the murder of Jorge Martin Carreno.

Scarlet Blake. Pic: PA

Prior to murdering Carreno in July 2021, Blake tortured a cat named Starlet and then put her into a blender. Blake filmed the gory incident, which showed her torturing the cat and then dissecting the body, saying:

“Here we go my little friend. Oh boy, you smell like shit. I can’t wait to put through the blender.”

She later “boasted” about her actions and spoke of “her desire to open up a person like her ‘little cat friend.'” As reported in the Daily Mail, Blake told arresting police that she had a cat’s microchip in her own body and she sometimes identified as a cat.

Weeks later, Blake encountered Carreno as he was trying to make his way home. According to a release from the authorities, Blake lured the man before killing him. The release states that Blake:

“lured Jorge to Parsons Pleasure, hit Jorge on the back of the head, rendering him unconscious, before putting hands around his neck and putting him in the water, leaving him to drown.”

Senior Investigating officer Detective Superintendent, Jon Capps of Thames Valley Police’s Major Crime Unit, said:

“Today’s sentencing brings to a close what has been a very complex and challenging investigation. I know that many will want to focus on the actions and behaviour of this defendant. There are several aspects of this case that have been truly disturbing to see, hear and deal with. This defendant showed calculated cruelty. The acts Blake has been convicted of are barbaric and chilling. The murder was premeditated with total disregard and distain for life and it is clear that only a life sentence is appropriate in these circumstances.”

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  1. It should have gotten the death penalty. The punishment has to fit the crime not only for the sake of Justice, but also so that others will know that there are consequences to be suffered for committing crimes and will take it seriously enough to think twice and NOT abuse, torture, murder, etc… other people and animals.

  2. Being transgender has nothing to do with being a monster as this person clearly is! I have to say your bigotry is going to be the reason I stop supporting your causes.

    Don’t become the monsters that create hate towards people for no reason. This is disappointing and frankly I thought you were better than this.

    Also this person shoudl be under a prison!

    My child and their fiance are transgender and they do nothing but help animals, how dare you suggest otherwise!

    • it’s a shame that you would stop donating to good causes like this one that helps animals because everyone does not agree with your ideology. these children and i repeat children who have not had the chance to mature over time are being forced by greedy doctors, teachers that need to mind their own business and a legal system that exploits them. instead of helping kids who are still playing with barbies to make decisions this great let them mature and they can decide when they are old enough to decide for themselves what works.. they go behind the parents backs to help these kids switch and when they melt down because they are now mature enough to understand the gravity of what these people have made them do, the criminals responsible just move on to the next victim. never being held accountable for the damage they have done. many kids have come forward who are now adults and are having a real hard time. they can’t adjust they have male and female hormones battling within. many contemplate suicide and some do go through with it as well. they also have a hard time getting into relationships. when these people come out and admit what a great mistake they made, they are shunned by the ever loving ever, forgiving trans community. so the bleeding hearts should do some research before they judge other people positions on this new societal fad.

    • “The headlines typically include whether it was a man or a woman. This individual identified as a transgender (well, also as a cat, so it could have technically read “Cat-Killing Self Identified Cat Obsessed With Harm And Death…” A normal headline will indicate who is responsible for a crime…”Man who beat puppy sentenced,” Or “Woman who hoarded cats…” Speaking of, the type of animal in the story is often in the headline as well. “Cat undergoes surgery,” Or “Giraffe Dies unexpectedly.” This is just how the headlines are. When a headline reads “Man Who Killed Puppy Sentenced to Jail,” it does not imply that all men are puppy killers. If the reader interprets it that way, it is on the reader.”

  3. Since it identifies as a cat, perhaps it should put itself in a giant blender. The “trans community” outshines most all others when it comes to sadistic, perverted violence against innocents, and there’s nothing wrong with pointing that out. There are shining exceptions of course, but percentage-wise, these people are more disturbed and disturbing than the rest of our sick civilization. What this person did to the cat should have got the death penalty or at lease a life sentence. It didn’t, so now a man was murdered by the cat torturer/killer…”oh gosh, what a surprise.” Good going, PC society…the globalist tyrants like Klaus Schwab are quite happy with you.

  4. The Children’s Health defense website did a deep dive on all these type of people and all the school shootings and other shootings, they found ALL were on Adderall, they even told the police to investigate this tid bit, of course the cops don’t bother, it would point to Big Pharma who pays everyone off. Open your eyes, get your kids and everyone off of these drugs.

  5. All well said lou and if people don’t like it, screw them! These people are just plain all fucked up from the get go; not knowing who or what they are to torture and sadistic killing of innocent animals so I say kill them all, get rid of this socially sick society that has populated – normal people don’t want them …. Thru should Kill themselves anf not others and poor little helpless animals!
    I’m with you bro!

    • You and Lou sound quite insane. Seeing comments like this run unchecked on this site makes me regret supporting it. Not very professional.

      I don’t care about the person’s trans status being mentioned as I suppose its relevant to the story. But the vile comments targeting an entire demographic are unacceptable. I guess it’s okay to be racist or misandrist, when they’re black or men, too, right? Kill em all, right? Just kill all hiamns, according to that illogic.

  6. when schools install litter boxes in the bathrooms so the furries who identify as a cat or dog can go to the bathroom some one needs some serious mental evaluation. these people are unstable to say the least and anyone who thinks that a kid mutilating their body or taking a crap in a coat closet is normal they need to visit a shrink as well. animals are always the ones who suffer at the hands of these demented people and now since the one tenth of one percent of society is not getting the recognition they feel they deserve they get violent. yet they swear the rest of the world is the problem.

  7. so this is vile and horrible and this person deserves to be punished but this head line is really ridiculous too. The fact this person is transgender has nothing to do with the story and unless you are trying to push the narrative that all trans folks are mentally ill and deranged then there was no reason to even mention the person’s gender identity. I generally like the updates here but as the parent of a very amazing non binary child I’m upset at the demonization of non gender confirming individuals

    • The headlines typically include whether it was a man or a woman. This individual identified as a transgender (well, also as a cat, so it could have technically read “Cat-Killing Self Identified Cat Obsessed With Harm And Death…” A normal headline will indicate who is responsible for a crime…”Man who beat puppy sentenced,” Or “Woman who hoarded cats…” Speaking of, the type of animal in the story is often in the headline as well. “Cat undergoes surgery,” Or “Giraffe Dies unexpectedly.” This is just how the headlines are. When a headline reads “Man Who Killed Puppy Sentenced to Jail,” it does not imply that all men are puppy killers. If the reader interprets it that way, it is on the reader.

    • Hi Sarah,
      Factors like gender, race, class and religion all play a role in abuse and are critical when trying to address abusive situations.

  8. I am equally as horrified by the bigotry here against a trans person as I am at what she did. She is not a he if transition has happened and the crime has nothing to do with this. It should be about the animals who suffered and were killed. The trans community is not becoming more violent. Scarlet Blake is undeniably violent and dangerous but not because she is trans. She is a person who did something heinous and who happens to be trans. How many trans people do you see committing such crimes compared to the number of non trans people. What she did is ugly and she deserves punishment for what she did to that poor cat but it was not done because she is trans but because she is evil. It is people like the ones here espousing bigotry who are also dangerous.

    • Hi Kate,
      Factors like gender, race, class and religion all play a role in abuse and are critical when trying to address abusive situations.

  9. Who cares what this bitch/guy is the most important thing is this person has been removed from society and cannot do any more harm to any more cats or people. Would not be surprised if this dirtbag killed other cats before. Just glad they got her/him whatever. Perhaps someone in jail will dish out a special kind of justice.

  10. this is one sick son of a bitch. they should put this freak in a blender. seems like the ever peaceful trans community is getting quite violent these days. it’s all a crock of shit. these assholes will try to get attention any way they can. if chicks with dicks don’t work, lets start killing animals and people. wake up america your children are being destroyed by these lawless and immoral ideologies. it was contained to mainly people but now it seems the innocent animals are on the psycho menu as well.

    • Evil, psychotic piece of work. She is seriously unwell and psychopathic but you cannot blame the trans community for this. That’s like saying every single man on earth is psychotic since majority of serial killers are men. Would love her to be given the same treatment. Glad she’s put away for good!!!

      • Why are you calling it a “she”. That thing is male. Stop playing into their psychosis by calling them by the gender they ‘prefer’ or ‘identify’ with. That would be the first step in turning this bullshit around.

        • 100% correct. you can hack off all the body parts you want. take all the drugs and hormones in the world at the end of the day how you were born is what you are.

      • this has become a fad to gain attention and to buck the norms. many have now come forward who have detransitioned and are telling their horror stories. women who know are mature enough to know this was all a lie peddled by greedy doctors, teachers and even parents who obviously have some of their own issues. these people now want to get married and have children and can no longer do so and once again just like the animal abuse we see on these pages no one is held accountable for the lives they have destroyed. sorry to get off topic but when i have to pay for these people to transition and see and hear this bullshit day in and out it just pisses me off. do whatever you want with your body it’s a free country but don’t look for sympathy when it explodes in your face.


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