HomeAnimal RescueCalifornia Woman Rescues Kitten, But Soon Realizes Her Mistake

California Woman Rescues Kitten, But Soon Realizes Her Mistake

Rocklin, CA – A California woman recently rescued what she believed was an adorable kitten. But it didn’t take long before she realized the error of her ways. The Rocklin Police Department said:

A Rocklin resident got quite a surprise last week after realizing a tiny “kitten” she had rescued turned out to be a fox kit.

It was a concerned family member who realized that the frightened animal was not an orphaned kitten. The authorities said:

A concerned family member called us after seeing the scared little guy and Animal Control responded to transport the critter to Gold Country Wildlife Rescue.

Offering sage advice to anyone who happens to find orphaned or injured wildlife:

1. If in the Placer County, CA area, visit our website immediately for guidance and further information at https://goldcountrywildliferescue.org/wildlife-emergency/

2. If outside of the area, check the roster for wildlife rehabilitators for each U.S. state at https://www.humanesociety.org/…/how-find-wildlife… or https://www.ahnow.org

3. Keep the animal in a warm (NOT HOT), dark, quiet place away from children and animals/pets. Then get it to the nearest wildlife rehab center immediately.


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  1. That little black fox kit sure looks like a real puppy. Is not that fox kit puppy? No? It’s really black fox kit? Why kit? instead of pup? Huh? It’s truly adorable!! Love it!! I always love dogs/cats & all different wildlife animals & all different sea animals, turtles, etc. Every kind of all different animals is truly adorable!! All birds, too! I don’t like to see spiders, snakes, but they are our Heavenly Father’s creatures.


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