HomeCatsBacklash Prompts Cancellation Of Children's Feral Cat Hunting Competition

Backlash Prompts Cancellation Of Children’s Feral Cat Hunting Competition

 North Canterbury, New Zealand – Backlash has prompted the cancellation of a children’s feral cat hunting competition that was underway in New Zealand. The North Canterbury Hunting Competition explains why they canceled the children’s portion of the hunting competition, writing:

Unfortunately, there have been some vile & inappropriate emails and messages sent to the school and others involved – we are incredibly disappointed in this reaction and would like to clarify that this competition is an independent community run event and that all queries and concerns to be sent directly through us at nchuntingcomp@gmail.com
Our sponsors and school safety are our main priority, so the decision has been made to withdraw this category for this year to avoid further backlash at this time. We are disappointed and apologise for those who were excited to be involved in something that is about protecting out native birds, and other vulnerable species.

The competition would have awarded kids 14 and under who killed the most feral cats. But the SPCA Canterbury had expressed concerns for pet cats who may have been accidentally killed in the cat-killing competition. On Monday the agency said:

It’s not possible to tell the difference between a feral, stray or frightened domestic cat based on appearance, so there is a good chance someone’s pet may be killed during this event. In addition, children often use air rifles in these sorts of event which increase the likelihood of pain and distress, and can cause a prolonged death. Our SPCA Inspector Lead here in Christchurch says cases of cats being shot which don’t result in immediate death aren’t uncommon, with one happening just yesterday, 17 April.

Comments on the Hunting Competition Facebook page are largely in favor of killing cats who threaten birds, while comments on the SPCA Facebook page are against the competition, citing the threat to pet cats, and the danger of teaching children that it is okay to shoot and kill cats.

What are your thoughts about this competition? Feel free to weigh in with your thoughts in the comment section.

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  1. Every animal has the right to live! This is barbaric and should be criminally charged. What type of evil teaching is that for the kids – no wonder the criminals are exploding in numbers as they get taught that killing is fun. Scumbags Shame on you

  2. Vous n avez pas honte, plutôt que d enseigner la compassion aux gosses vous les habituez à la haine et au meurtres, honte à votre peuple.

  3. God created both! Find homes create Sanctuaries and hospice for the Cat’s! I hope the parents Knew your main desire Is to create Animial Abusers leading to Serial Killers, Starting with Cat’s then birds then dogs then other Children then Adults to Senior’s. You are slick and Sick! Using oh! Save the Bird’s as the Front creating mass murderous Children’s and as you know It only takes one to Create another Jack The Ripple!
    You should receive a Strait jacket!!!

  4. Murdering innocent cats does not stop the population from increasing. Aside from the chance of killing pet cats, feral cat killing does not work. Other cats move into the areas and keep reproducing. Maybe people who let their cats roam kill some birds but the major cause of bird deaths is from HUMANS and their destruction of bird habitat, pollution and hunting. Make HUMANS keep their cats inside and use TNR to prevent feral cat populations from exploding!

  5. It is s deplorable and cruel activity that objectifies cats who are homeless through no fault of their own but because of people for the most part who do not spay/neuter and/or dump them like trash. We know the lessons children will take from this-animals do not matter and it is cruel, irresponsible ,and unethical for this heinous event to happen. TNR is what they need along with a good dose of compassion.

  6. Thought New Zealand was a progressive country but this shows them in a new light and it is despicable. Not only is it teaching kids all the wrong things about how to treat animals but some of these kids might actually get pleasure out of doing it and that sets them down a dark road and bad for animals in the future. Secondly have these idiots in N.Z. never heard of Trap and Neuter ? This is appalling treatment of cats and as has been suggested some suffer before dying and that is animal cruelty on a level that I would expect in a Third World country not a modern country like New Zealand. They should be ashamed of themselves but unfortunately only the children’s part of the “ competition” was cancelled. Unbelievable!

  7. Fucktards all of you. Maybe a hunt should be organized to track all of you down, along with all your 14 year old idiots.

  8. How absolutely shameful that they are doing this at all, much less teaching children this is ok. Responsible pet ownership would decrease and eventually eliminate stray/feral cats. Spay and neuter your pets and your precious birds won’t become food for starving cats trying survive. Despicable people! You’ve brought this on by your irresponsible behavior.

  9. Absolutely disgusting and wrong that these people would encourage and award kids to go out and kill innocent cats! What kind of people do this and what kind of a country wold allow it? Shame on these sick people at the school and the parents who condone it! What a bunch of horrible people who evidently have no consciences!

  10. Thank goodness it was canceled. What a sick and vicious thing to involve children in! To protect native species, the cats should be TNR’d like in the U.S.: trap, neutered, and returned or adopted. They are good animals; it’s not their fault they are predators.

  11. what a bunch of clowns. maybe they should have a kill off useless politicians day. that would be a fun hunt and probably drop the population by 50%. anyone who signs on for this kind of event is a worthless piece of crap. instead maybe use the kids to trap the cats and get them fixed and possibly find homes but that requires compassion and takes too long. unreal!

    • Helpless cats who don’t have a place to go and who can’t find f0o0d? And you are teaching and encouraging children to kill them? What the hell is wrong with you? No wonder we have so much violence in children today. Absolutely disgusting!!!


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