HomeDogsAn Owner's Special Request Gives Dying Dog, Maggie, One Last Snow Bank...

An Owner’s Special Request Gives Dying Dog, Maggie, One Last Snow Bank To Roll In

A story out of Salt Lake County, Utah, has touched the hearts of dog lovers. According to Salt Lake County Parks and Recreation, in late September, a resident reached out to the Salt Lake County Ice Center with a special request for their dying dog, Maggie.

Maggie, a St. Bernard, had cancer and her owners wanted to give her one final gift before their final good-bye; that gift was a snow bank for her to roll in.

The request was granted by the county recreation department, who wrote:

Today, our staff shaved some extra ice, loaded it into bins and buckets, and the owner took the snow home, to Maggie’s backyard, where she enjoyed it with her family.

Saying good-bye is never easy, but Maggie’s people found a beautiful way to give her a special experience in her last moments, while creating a lasting memory. The story has resonated with dog lovers who understand just how hard it is to go through that final farewell.

Salt Lake County Parks and Recreation shared their condolences:

Sending our love and condolences to Maggie’s family. We appreciate the unique privilege of providing her a little heaven on earth.
#PeopleParksPlay #MaggiesSnow

Those of us with Animal Victory share ours as well. Rest easy Maggie.

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  1. I am so sorry for ya’lls loss…. Times like this are never easy, that’s why your story touched my heart deeply.. there is no doubt in my mind that she was very loved, from the beginning all the way til the end. I hope you and your family finds peace with her passing til you meet again

  2. I have tears in my eyes whIle typing this…what a beautiful way to give your beloved St. Bernard his favorite fun time before his journey over the Rainbow Bridge! You are wonderful dog parents ! I’m sure he will run to the middle of The Bridge & lick you a thousand kisses when he sees you walking over The Bridge to be with Him FOREVER !!!!

  3. Oh how I understand the love the owners had for Maggie and making it possible for her to enjoy what she so loved. Our pets are precious to us and they feel we are precious to them. Maggie, I hope you meet my Chancey in Heaven and he can tell you about his mom and dad taking him to beautiful parks with creeks and Iakes so he could wade or swim ❤️


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