HomeDogsAll Dogs With Bite History Will Be Euthanized At Florida Animal Shelter...

All Dogs With Bite History Will Be Euthanized At Florida Animal Shelter Taking ‘Operational Shift’

Daytona, FL – On Thursday, a Florida animal shelter announced an “operational shift” that impacts all dogs with a known bite history. According to a news release from the Halifax Humane Society, dogs with a “known propensity” for aggressive behavior, or who have a documented bite, will no longer be placed – they will be euthanized instead.

The animal welfare agency explains:

This will result in the euthanasia of dogs in our care currently, or in the future, that meet these parameters. It is our responsibility as a leader of animal welfare in our area to continue to place animals while prioritizing the best interest of the community and public safety.

According to Halifax Humane, this operational shift was made to ensure public safety, and to protect the shelter from being “crippled or shut down” if an adopted dog, with a known bite history, were to hurt someone. Though the agency is aware that this change is upsetting to many people, they ask for the public’s continued support, writing:

We understand the emotional impact the loss of lives has on everyone reading or hearing about this. In turn, please understand the impact these decisions have on our staff and volunteers who care for and dedicate our lives to these animals daily. We ask for your continued support to further the mission for the sake of the thousands of animals Halifax Humane Society continues to save annually.

The majority of the people commenting on the shelter’s Facebook post have expressed anger and dismay over the decision. A sampling of comments can be found below.



Some people DID express understanding for the difficult decision:

You can weigh in on the discussion, or read more, at this link to Facebook.

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  1. Those who are hired to PROTECT our Animals, are instead KILLING our Animals — WHY? — Because they do not give a DAMN about Animals — they’re in the WRONG line of work — they care only about appearances and their paychecks.

  2. So if an idiot mishandles a dog – the dog dies??? Why not kill the idiot – doesnt that make more sense??? HEARTLESS IDIOTS!

  3. Dogs only bite when evil human beings make them do it!!! There is no dog that is born to snap, in every case human devils are to blame!!!

  4. Some people lie, when they bring their dogs to the shelters. They are ashamed, and saying the dog bit someone, or another animal, is an easy way out. Furthermore, people will say the dog bit, when it was in fact, a scratch, or didn’t even make contact! Inexperienced dog owners, place dogs in jeopardy, and set them up for failure, when they don’t provide guidance/dog protocol. Rescues take dogs with a bite history, and rehab many of them. It is responsible to inform an adopter, of any prior incidents – which reputable rescues do. This so called “shelter” is typical of many “businesses” nowadays – providing less, and expecting more. It appears, this is an easier way of handling the increased influx of dogs, due to this pathetic economy. BTW- I am a believer in “low kill” vs “no kill”, because of seriously ill, or extremely aggressive dogs. In such cases, those are, the few, that cannot be saved.

  5. Many owners are “dropping” their animals at shelters for multiple reasons, many reason are not justifiable but a tale as they do not wish to put the energy into teaching their loving animal. Who placed the workers at this shelter with the authority to deem the dog should be euthanized?? Here in California many say their dog bite them or someone else just to rid of their responsibility!!! Disgusting humans, should be fined when they take the animals to a shelter or abandon them.

  6. Just a bite, in most of the cases, justified, dog was defending himself, the owner, the property, and it is death penalty? What about HUMANS KILLING HUMANS, they get
    a roof over their heads, get fed and other PRIVILEGES, (computers, gym time, doctors) which many law=abiding citizens do not, and after a few years released to repeat their
    crimes. WHERE IS JUSTICE?

  7. Dog bites and attacks are completely out of control. Regardless of circumstances, if a dog bites a person in aggression they should be euthanized. It doesn’t matter who or what made the dog aggressive – it is now a danger to the community. Perhaps this policy will wake the public up. Dog bites and mauling destroy human lives. They kill. Step up to being a responsible dog owner and save your pets life. I cannot believe shelters, rescues or humane societies are not sued regularly for placing aggressive dogs in unsuspecting families across the US.

    • dog biting destroys human lives, really? what cloud do you live on. How about we take the abuses that animals endure at the hands of scumbag humans and lets check the ratio and see which is higher. it’s people who make many of these animals the way they are, period. so next time your kid bites someone maybe you should hand him over to be gassed. doesn’t make sense when you say that though does it? they say the same things about shark attacks. they kill millions of them a year for fins and let them slowly drown yet when one bites or kills a human they are demons and must be destroyed. even though it is an apex predator and is right where it should, be doing what nature intended. the assholes who decide to surf and swim where they live are pretty damn stupid.

    • Yes a dog can do that but then what you are saying is any person who injures or hurts and other should be euthanized too!!! What make us better than them except that we can protect ourselves from them and they can’t protect themselves from us without being killed is what you are saying!!! People abuse dogs a million times more than dogs EVER bite and yet NOTHING happens to them!!! They do so much worse to dogs than a dog bite will typically do to a person and yet they walk away scott free and the dog who is only trying to not be brutalized it killed. WHERE IS FAIR IN THAT??? Responsible dog owners are not the problem for dogs, irresponsible and abuse ones are and you think they should die because of that?? SHAME ON YOU!!! Keep in mind a lot of times people mad at a neighbor or person can just say the dog bit and it never did anything. By what you are saying it should die – that is so wrong!!!! How about we say people who are to stupid or have mental issues should die because they cause a problem for society?? Then you would be at the front of the list!

      • The problem is public safety. Dogs are property. Dogs are companion animals. Dogs do not reason like human beings. You cannot equate the value of human life to a dogs life. The law views animals as owned property. Highly emotional statements with absurd comparisons do not save animals lives or effectively address the issue. Dogs pay for the actions or non-actions of their owners. Often with their lives. It is a legal liability to place, give away or sell a dog with a human bite history. Aggression towards other animals is also serious. Once a dog shows uncontrolled aggression for any reason it should not be placed in a pet home. Experienced behavioral trainers can sometimes modify behavior but unless the dog stays in the direct control of a knowledgable trainer they are still a liability.
        I have experienced first hand the damage and trauma of what an unprovoked attack can do to a child. Fortunately the dogs fangs only tore open the back of my 4 year old brothers head and the lower fangs tore open the back of his neck and not his face. My 4 year old brothers crime was to walk from the front yard to the back door of my Grandmothers house. The dog shot out of the barn and attacked my brother. The dog had never shown aggression towards people before. The dog was not euthanized. But my brother went through horrific surgery and recovery. He was emotionally scarred and deathly afraid of dogs.Eventually my parents adopted a medium sized dog to help my brother overcome his fear. Again – if the general public refuses to act responsibly with their dogs, everyone suffers from their lack of responsibility.

        Do you even understand how bad the biting dog problem must be for a shelter to have to enforce this policy?

        Shelters are not intended to be unlimited boarding facilities for warehousing biting aggressive dogs.

        There are to many good friendly undamaged non-biting dogs readily suitable for adoption to the public

        Aggressive biting dogs are a tragedy. To often created by those who owned or bred them. But sadly nonetheless, they are a danger to public safety and need to be treated as such.

  8. OMGoodness this breaks my heart. RIP you sweet babies who don’t deserve this. I don’t even know what to say except for this is SO WRONG!!!

  9. This should be policy universally. Dangerous and unpredictable dogs, especially those purpose-bred to fight to the death, should be banned, period, end of story; and any dog that has bitten should be destroyed.

    • And any kid that bullies another and beats it up should be then!!! Dogs usually bit out of fear or protection and that poor thing does NOT deserve to die!!! If someone went after you and and you hit back do you deserve to die?? NO so WHY DO THEY?!?!?!!

    • Your statement is RIDICULOUS — When was the last time you spotted wild, stray Dogs roaming the streets, dangerous & unpredictable? — almost NEVER — Some Dogs need behavior classes, NOT death — some Dogs need fostering, NOT death — here are the facts : Those who are hired to PROTECT our Animals, are instead KILLING our Animals — WHY? — Because they do not give a DAMN about Animals — they’re in the WRONG line of work — they care only about appearances and their paychecks.

  10. Yet more evidence that shows what a miserable state Florida is. Amazing how humans can be given so many chances, but a dog that might do something out of fear or panic is considered beyond help at this shelter. Those involved in this decision are unfit to be involved in animal welfare.

    • Florida is realistic about the vital need to protect the public from aggressive animals. To date, some members of the public have turned a blind eye and allowed their dogs to injure or kill children, adults, pets and livestock. They see no culpability in the damage their dog has done. If the State of Florida has to create policies to protect its citizens. So be it. Keep your pet safe.

      • Listen Kim — are you kidding? — How frequently has this happened? — Protect Humans ?? — How often do you see wild, stray Dogs roaming freely about the streets? — almost NEVER — here’s the TRUTH — Those who are hired to PROTECT our Animals, are instead KILLING our Animals — WHY? — Because they do not give a DAMN about Animals — they’re in the WRONG line of work — they care only about appearances and their paychecks.

  11. Disgusting. These shelters don’t give a fuck about these animals. They are all in it for the money now. My dog after her spay nipped the tech when she woke her up and had to be quarantined and all this BS. My dog had NEVER bitten anyone or anything. She was groggy and out of it, but that alone would’ve given them due notice to murder my doggo if she had been found. I used to donate thousands a year to animal charities and shelters, but my mom always says that these people can’t be trusted. They are not using the money 4 the animals and I still feel bad and give to some, but I cut down because if you do your research you will find questionable stuff even those foundations that brought you to tears. How much are they telling the truth? I tried to move to Florida. Everything was great minus the laws and trash racist people. That state is a cesspool. Too bad the scum of the earth move there and have ruined paradise.

    • I also think owners need to be trained, some dogs are high energy and require exercise which the adopters are not educated when adopting. Some adopters think dogs are cute and need to be taught they are all work, no matter what age. Looking into the past/history of an adopter is important and their should be a connection in each states regarding pet adoptions, abuse, returning to shelters, and negligence of people.

  12. No animal should be euthanized unless suffering irremediably. A dog doesn’t bite unless defending himself. Hold the abusive humans responsible, not the innocent dogs!

  13. Clearly, they do not get them meaning of the term ‘shelter’ and sadly know almost nothing about dogs who are homeless through no fault of their own because of people who mostly do not spay/neuter and or dump them like trash and other heinous reasons. I suppose they will call it euthanization but it is killing, murder. Human kids bite a fair amount-I know this having worked with toddlers for many years-and no one would ever suggest killing them nor should they. This is a revolting and convenient plan to get rid of dogs who are not disposable objects but are living and feeling beings.I can not even go into what I want to do to these human centric pieces of dreck who will so easily kill dogs who are frightened and traumatized because it would take a lot of bad language and time. Florida has many good and caring people but is a very messed up state.

      • After reading this article, I agree with Kate, above. So do many of us who have been involved in any kind of animal rescue in our lives. People who think it’s okay to just kill an animal without first trying to obtain an understanding of why it acted the way it did in the first place, need new hearts. Fear of being hurt AGAIN is usually the reason an animal bites in the first place. There are exceptions, of course. But it’s infrequent.

  14. Stupid floridians. All animals have a reason for biting. Each case being different. Too bad they don’t enforce this in prisions.

      • Yes👐🏼 Unfortunately we all know that won’t happen because humans in these positions especially, think their superior it’s always the animals that pay the price for the bullshit that humans do and the laws they come up with😡😡 When will the murdering stop they Collett euthanize I Call it flat out murder to all the bitches Making these new policies

    • yes Carol — Those who are hired to PROTECT our Animals, are instead KILLING our Animals — WHY? — Because they do not give a DAMN about Animals — they’re in the WRONG line of work — they care only about appearances and their paychecks.

  15. so if a dog bites or snaps out of fear, injury or past life trauma at the hands of some other scumbag humans, they deserve to die. what has happened to this world? people are becoming more evil and sadistic by the day. don’t try to help a dog in need just kill it. that is after all the universal solution to all problems. just plain pathetic. i hope the people who make these decisions have children and when these kids feel their parents no longer serve a purpose they will do the same to them.

      • Yes, they will. Children learn by example and parents will discuss their days while at home. It’s an easy step to take from euthanizing animals for the greater good of society to euthanizing humans for the same reason. Children will learn that it’s okay to kill another living being if that being ever caused pain to anyone. Those children will remember past events in their own lives when their parents caused them pain and anguish. Parents will be put in nursing homes and they will be euthanized because their children will have learned from this day forward that it’s okay to destroy a living being, if it’s for the greater good of society. Watch and see. This is a slippery slope and now it will become even more so.

    • Great answer I feel the same way and unfortunately society has gotten to where a animals can not show any signs of fear aggression stress and just like people when animals are in fear or being threatened yes they may bite but that doesn’t mean that’s the norm most of these shelters don’t even want to give these animals a chance no matter what they say the reasoning behind anything there’s no excuse for it and a lot of the dogs with bad history is due to humans why don’t they do the same to them because humans are no better than the animals once again it goes to prove that humans are the most dangerous species on this earth but thank you for your reply because I see plenty of them that I totally agree with👍😡


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