HomeAnimal Rescue33 Animals Rescued From 'Horrible' Conditions In Dilapidated Trailer

33 Animals Rescued From ‘Horrible’ Conditions In Dilapidated Trailer

Hardeman County, TN – Earlier this month, 33 animals were rescued from a dilapidated trailer in Pocahontas. The conditions inside of the residence were described as “horrible” by members of the Animal Rescue Corps who were on site to remove the cats and dogs who were living in squalor.

In a news release, the animal welfare agency described the horror that responders were met with upon arrival:

“they found 29 dogs, including a litter of puppies, and four cats. The cats were living in small feces and maggot-filled crates; the dogs were loose both inside and outside the trailer. Because of the lack of veterinary care and the unsanitary, inhumane living conditions, the animals are suffering from a range of medical issues, including broken bones, severe anemia, high ammonia exposure, mange, severe and painful dental disease, overgrown nails, fur loss, skin inflammation, ear and eye infections and injuries, and severe internal and external parasites (including fleas and ticks).”

“We arrived just in time,” said Tim Woodward, ARC’s Executive Director. “This was a life and death situation for some of these animals; we didn’t have a minute to spare.”


All of the animals were surrendered to Animal Rescue Corps and they were immediately transported to a veterinarian for care.

When the animals have recovered from their maladies, they will be put up for adoption.

Find the Animal Rescue Corps‘ website at this link.

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  1. OMG, poor precious animals….Thank God they were saved in time! The monster who kept them in such horrible circumstances must be jailed for the rest of his/her life!!!

  2. I just can’t get over how some people can do things like this to innocent animals. Maybe it started out with good intentions, but got overwhelming. Why the person didn’t seek help is the big question. I’m just glad the animals were discovered and rescued!

  3. They locked these animals up and took there freedom away. So in turn lock the sobs up and take there freedom. An eye for an eye.

  4. Hope for the best for these animals. I sure hope whoever owned them is dealt with. Glad that person did surrender them, but still needs to be watched so this doesn’t happen again…

  5. May all of these innocent cats find loving permanent homes. May the others find them, too. Maximum sentence for EACH count of abuse and neglect for the perpetrators.

  6. Saddened disgusted and heartbroken. Signed and thank you for the post and the petition. We all must keep fighting to end the inhumane treatment of these beautiful animals.


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